Yeah, the videos they'd shown of water when they'd added waterfalls they'd faked it using the VFX stuff which looked fairly weak really. I was hoping it'd be similar to Cities Skyline where its dynamic, and i cant remember what they said on the livestream when asked about it, whether it'd be dynamic for release or not.
Im a tad concerned that looking at that image the map size might feel a little small for doing much with terrain and its obviously a fair bit smaller than even the smaller UK parks let alone the the likes of Alton Towers or the big US ones. You'd get maybe 1 'zone' of Disneyland, like frontier land, let alone all of them, forget Epcot, MGM etc for obvious reasons (Cities Skyline might even struggle even at its scale) .
Magic Kingdom (the park everyone thinks of as Disneyworld etc) -
Disney Resort - or
The novelty scaling doesnt help, but theres a 1 mile oval just randomly placed in the middle there
From memory, i'd say the Paris park is of a similar size too. If its punishing high-end hardware then it doesnt bode well for seeing that increased at release.
Also, back onto water, i read there was 4 versions in this alpha, we saw 3 from Gamescom - still, 'wavey', and swamp water. If there is a 4th, what is it?