To be fair, you bought a taxi
It's different in our house i guess as i earn more, but then i also spend more on crap. I worked out our money and then set up the following system which has worked really well for us (i guess it's different for
@413x above as i don't get the impression he's married so would want to keep things separate)
Money into Pot 1 (Income etc)
Money from Pot 1 to Pot 2 for Bills (Generally fixed each month)
Money from pot 1 into Pot 3 & 4 for Individual Spends (This way i can save and buy stupid expensive stuff without it coming from a "joint" pot)
Remainer drops into Pot 5 which is for other spending. Meals out, holidays etc
Anything left from Pot 5 goes into Savings
Seems to work well as it keeps things separate for individual spending, so i can go buy a paddleboard/xbox etc but there's no keeping stuff separate to have the whole "i paid for the meal last week, you should pay tonight" nonsense