Plant based burgers and lab grown meat

I'm curious to know if you maintain such a stance against meat or any other food product. Do you vet the supplier of each and every single food outlet you buy from, for example?

No, and you're right.

But I do mostly make all my own food,incl burgers (unless eating out). But if a Burger (or any food) is being made with a lot of chemicals and I was using it as a main diet then I would like to know what I'm digesting.

Yes if I was trying it as a one off, or a treat etc then I wouldn't be fussed.
At the end of the day fat is fat and so although the vegetable fat is slightly healthier in the impossible burger it is a struggle to call it healthier in that respect.

If you want the healthiest burgers then you will make a black bean burger with addiional vegetables. Can be very yummy, very healthy but wont taste like a burger.

For starters vegetable fat is not healthier that animal fat, most vegetable fat is high in polyunsaturates/omega 6 (seed oils being the worst) it's highly inflammatory and particularly bad when heated, without a doubt one of the most toxic so called foods you can put in your body. As for a Black Bean burger being the healthiest burger option! LOL! No! The healthiest burger would be made from grass fed/grass finished organic beef, easy enough to source if you can be bothered.
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