Yay! Just got a letter confirming I can be a platelets donor! However they have some sort of a holdback so it might be some time till I actually donate.
Not sure how many of you know about this, but when you go to give blood, you can also donate platelets. You can only donate blood once every 16 weeks, however you can possibly donate platelets as much as every 2 weeks.
Platelets make you stop bleeding, when you cut yourself, the platelets in your blood (at the wound) brake apart and form a clot, so it's essensial you have enough in your bloodstream. Some people however don't have enough, which is where platelets donation come into play.
You can find more on www.blood.co.uk , or go to your local clinic, you need to be a blood donor to become a platelet donor. What happens is the take a blood sample during your blood donation and test to see if you have enough platelets to donate, if you do you will be sent a mail to confirm this, you fill in your phone number and when it's ok to call you, send it back, and a nurse will call you to let you know when you can donate.
Not sure how many of you know about this, but when you go to give blood, you can also donate platelets. You can only donate blood once every 16 weeks, however you can possibly donate platelets as much as every 2 weeks.
Platelets make you stop bleeding, when you cut yourself, the platelets in your blood (at the wound) brake apart and form a clot, so it's essensial you have enough in your bloodstream. Some people however don't have enough, which is where platelets donation come into play.
You can find more on www.blood.co.uk , or go to your local clinic, you need to be a blood donor to become a platelet donor. What happens is the take a blood sample during your blood donation and test to see if you have enough platelets to donate, if you do you will be sent a mail to confirm this, you fill in your phone number and when it's ok to call you, send it back, and a nurse will call you to let you know when you can donate.