Platypus' Beginners Guide to Running

12 mile clocked in today in the snow/ice/cold. Think probably the worst conditions I've ever run in! All about steadily increasing the mileage on Sunday runs now with a couple of 10ks in the mix in the build up to Manchester.
There's always next week if your better MrMoonX, hope your not suffering too long.

And good stuff Fuggan, following any particular for the marathon or just steadily increasing mileage?

I've been out for 13.3 miles this morning, wasn't exactly warm and felt a little tired towards the end. That's 30 miles for the week over 4 sessions though and a 5th session doing hill repeats so I'm happy with training so far.
Thanks pal, good bit of mileage on your part. You got a time in mind for Manchester yet?

I've not been following any of the popular plans really, sort of come up with my own though. Monday is usually a 30/40 minute recovery run, Tuesday strength session, Wednesday off, Thursday alternates between a 10k and a speed session with my club, Friday off, Saturday I throw in a park run and a strength session then LSR Sunday!

They get progressively longer as the weeks go on, got GNW half and and a couple of 10ks in there too for a bit of fun.
Cheers, I'll be happy with 3:15/3:30 but the aim depending on how training goes is as close to 3:05 as possible and then try again in October if not sooner. :)

No plan myself either other than looking at a few to get ideas really for the taper and how quickly to build up my long run and when to take an easy week.

For me it's usually:

Monday - 6 miles conversation pace and mild hills.
Tuesday - 4/6 mile tempo run.
Wednesday - Rest or hill reps.
Thursday - 6/7 miles conversation pace, occasionally throw in some sprints.
Friday - Rest although I did a hill session this week.
Saturday - Rest.
Sunday - Long Run.

Going to start doing 6-10 miles on a Saturday though as I progress and longest run will be 20 miles which I want to cover 3 times before hand.

Have a 10K and a half marathon planned for March as well. :)
Nice dude, looks solid and a lot of miles there! One thing I try to keep in the back of my mind to prevent injury is not to increase weekly mileage by more than 10% at any point. This is a rule some of the guys at the running club live by and seems to work pretty well!

Which half are you doing in March? Thinking of doing Hull 20 in March, potentially... it's 4 weeks out from the marathon so should be good to put a marker down.
10% is a good rule to follow. Last thing I want is an injury so I'll keep it in mind. Can increase next week to 33 mile so I'll probably follow this week but make Sunday 15 miles instead of 13.3 and Thursday will be likely be around 5/6 rather than 4.5.

It's the Wilmslow Half on Sunday 22nd March. 6 weeks before I think so seems ideal, I'll look at my base plan for my long runs and see if the Hull 20 fits in as it'll be good to race that distance.
Ah that's me not thinking after a long run. My half is on the same day as the Hull 20 which is 4 weeks before. I plan to run 20 the week before and the week after and then I'll be on my taper.
Brick sessions. Go out on your bike for a normal distance training ride, put it in the house/garage etc and then go straight out for a run. Only way realistically of adapting to the feeling of going from using one group of muscles to another.

You'll naturally be tired anyway having done the swim first followed by the cycling.

A couple of other things to be aware of are using your legs to much when swimming as well and using a gear to high on the bike as I find this fatigues your upper legs quite a bit. A higher cadence on your bike (harder in terms of aerobic management) could help with tired legs and give you a better start on your run.

How do you feel your training went last year?

And good luck of course. :)

thanks for the info, the guy in the shoe shop when I was buying a new pair of trainers said the same about using a low gear towards the end of the cycle. Didn't really focus too hard on training for the cycling last year, just went mad on swimming and running as I don't own a bike at the moment and was borrowing one
thanks for the info, the guy in the shoe shop when I was buying a new pair of trainers said the same about using a low gear towards the end of the cycle. Didn't really focus too hard on training for the cycling last year, just went mad on swimming and running as I don't own a bike at the moment and was borrowing one

Ideally your running cadence should be pretty similar to your cycling cadence, you might find it easier to just continue cycling as normal until the end of your ride because of that. Try it out, see what feels more comfortable to you.
7 miles last night with a few steady hills. 58 minutes / 8.15 per mile.

4.5 miles this evening. 33 minutes / 7.20 per mile.

Nice to get a mention and not strange, just different. ;)

Legs don't feel that bad really as I've increased it over the years to get where I am now. Some of my runs are much slower as well so I go easy on myself from time to time. That said I did do 5 miles on Thursday evening with two different sets of hill reps in. 4 reps of a long and steady hill followed 10 reps up something quite a bit steeper but much shorter.

Ran a 10K today as well in Preston (43.43 / 6.36 miles average) but it ended up being 6.6 miles instead as the lead marshal did an extra loop at the beginning. :rolleyes::confused::mad::( Annoying but it's not the end of the world to be honest and there are other races later in the year to concentrate on.
Cracking time that IG, coming down nicely. I churned out another 13.2miles this morning in 1:55. Think I ate too much this morning and had a stitch pretty much the whole way round which was an error.

Always next week, these long ones are wiping me out for the day like. I just come home, eat and sleep for the rest of the day!
Cheers, current PB is 40:42 and think based on the extra mileage today would have been just over that I think. Can't be bothered with the maths if it's not a PB though. :p

Happy with the run though overall and I'll learn a few things from it. Started too quickly yet again, my current training shoes aren't suitable for racing in and I really should go to bed a bit earlier in general.

Did you race today or was it a planned long run? 1:55 for 13.2 is about right in all fairness as your long runs should be slower than everything else. No matter how slow I do a long run though it's the day written off afterwards though!!
Haha yeah, I'm in need of some new wheels myself really, need to invest.

Yeah it was just a planned long run, should have maybe gone a bit slower though, pretty goosed afterwards. I think I'm on target to get round the full thing in around 4 hours, under that I'll be ecstatic!
Started incorporating hill work into my routine as I build my mileage back up again but am a bit unsure how best to go about it.

I have 2 options:

1) A 7 mile circular route which involves a steady 2 mile climb at a 5-7% gradient and 2x 1/2 mile climbs at 10% gradient (these HURT, calves on fire!) with the rest downhill or on the flat.

2) Repetitions of one of the 1/2 mile 10% inclines (run up/jog down/repeat)

What do you guys suggest/prefer for hill work?

Also, I ran the first route earlier today and while the inclines were tough my form and cadence were good and my pace was consistent throughout the whole distance. However running downhill after about a mile my form started to slip and I could feel my feet slapping as they landed. Is this just a case of weak muscles at the moment and it will improve over time or am I doing something wrong?

I mix up my hills really. Sometimes I treat it like a strength workout and do 12 x 30m sprints up a steep mother ****** and other times I'll do like 1 minute runs up a similar incline hill but at maybe 80% intensity. Both with walk back downs in between.
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