75-90 mile weeks.
Mon AM - S&C and easy miles in winter
Mon PM - steady state
Tue AM - easy
Tue PM - Speed sesh with group
Wed AM - easy
Wed PM - easy
Thu AM - easy
Thu PM - Tempo/Hills or speed sesh in summer with group
Fri AM - S&C
Fri PM - easy
Sat AM - tempo/long reps/fartlek with group
Sat PM - easy
Sun AM - long run
Sun PM - S&C
That's in very very basic general terms of a structured week, every night would have 40 mins of stretching/foam rolling as well and I get sports massage every second sunday.
If you want to see more specifics on sessions and mileage on that then let me know if you are properly interested happy to give a better breakdown if it will help people out
The morning AM easy is typically 30 mins and the evening easy runs typically 45-60 mins.