Platypus' Beginners Guide to Running

Just that little clip made me feel ill ;-)

I would have had to think long and hard about even trying to start in that weather.

If it wasn't Boston I wouldn't have bothered. Fast times were impossible, hypothermia very likely, and chaffing a near certainty. Especially for the women, their sports bras chaffed really bad. My friend could barely walk in the evening his balls hurt so bad!
But being Boston you 30,000 dedicated runners from around the world. Many people had spent years trying to qualify. Just hitting the starting line was very emotional for some people. The supporters were amazing as well. The entire city loves the marathon.

Also, although the cold sucks it is in general safe. People get hypothermia but are generally easily recovered. When it is hot then people get heat stroke or hyponatremia. Last year someone died from drinking too much water. I haven't heard of any deaths this year.
I guess that when you put it like that (3 times no less ;-) ) then I would have done the same. I would have been standing there asking myself what on earth I was doing but I would probably still have been there.
Ooh i might sign up for that too.

Have my first half on Sunday. Still don't feel ready for it. If anything i'm deteriorating! The last long run i did was 10m back in February. Now i seem to be out of breath after around 2miles, not sure if i've come down with something that's just lurking under the surface. Not enough to make me feel like crap day to day, but enough to stop me being able to exert myself.

I went for a ~5mile run on Monday night and must admit that after about 4 miles i seemed to feel a little better, but my shin pain is still niggling from that run (not helped my playing football straight after so couldn't just rest and ice it). I think i've just decided to accept a slow time and go with the mindset of a 2:30 which is around 11mins/mile. Hopefully by taking it really easy i'll come through.

Have loads of DIY to do Saturday too which won't help (heavy things like lugging bags of sand and pouring concrete!)
i am thinking about it but given that we had the "you haven't shut up about the sodding marathon for weeks" talk the other night, I might have to wait a week or two before i broach the subject :-)

Also contemplating this
That looks pretty good actually. Maybe we can have an ocuk running meet in Manchester!

Also amusing that it's cheaper as 4 single entries than as a team of 4!
I want to do a Marathon later in the year, preferably late August. Not run further than a half yet but sure I can build myself up to that. That'll then round out my first year of running as having done a marathon, and also get it in there before baby arrives.

You'll be fine on Sunday @Marvt74, it's pretty flat and so far it looks forecast to be warm and not too windy. Ideal. My friend is doing the Marathon so sticking around to support him and take him home in a state. Other half and her daughter of are off to hemorrhage 2ps in Coral Island :D
Haha you say that but i'm not too sure. I think now i've accepted i won't be under 2hours i've taken pressure off myself and just going to go and enjoy the day and not worry about times. If i need to walk then so be it.

If your friend is anything like @D.P. then he might finish ahead of me at this rate!

I think the wind could be the issue, i was chatting to someone who said they knew a few people who had struggled due to the coastal winds. Looks like it should be a lovely day though.
Haha you say that but i'm not too sure. I think now i've accepted i won't be under 2hours i've taken pressure off myself and just going to go and enjoy the day and not worry about times. If i need to walk then so be it.

If your friend is anything like @D.P. then he might finish ahead of me at this rate!

I think the wind could be the issue, i was chatting to someone who said they knew a few people who had struggled due to the coastal winds. Looks like it should be a lovely day though.

Where is it you are doing it?
Don't be daft, you played it down at Chorley and did better than you expected :) I managed under 2 for my first half.

Hoping for 1:50 this time but I'm not sure, but under 2 should be doable presuming I don't have diarrhea this time and need the loo twice, haha.

My friend is good but not sure what time he'll be doing. Likely over 3 hours though. He's got a half Iron Man in July so this is training for that.
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