Platypus' Beginners Guide to Running

with the discussion on blood oxygenation wrt CV19, does seem heart rate monitor can potentially be re-purposed to monitor your resting heart rate regularly and spot any changes. has anyone researched this further. ...?
out running, I'd been finding I'm watching my breathing/body performance more closely than normal.

On pulsomters/oxygenation some discussion that monitoring your heart rate itself could be an indicator eg.
quite a few runners etc. have these, already.
Loon into heartrate variability more of a fatigued thing but that means your body is tired, you need a good month of data before you can use it as a guide.
Look into heartrate variability
care to elaborate .. unless you download raw HRM data and DIY in excel difficult to evaluate this

Another vector Is the Heart rate variability, this is an interesting primer
it would appear that natural variability of heart rate is expected, and that higher variability is good in athletes and indicates good physiological state, the example shows, within a minute the instantaneous rate has varied from 55->72 beats/min.
Some athletes appear to monitor it, and determine whether diet/sleep/stress can be modulated to improve(increase) it - maybe it is snake oil
Didn't sleep a lot or well last night and definitely showed on the run today. Shin splints are back with a vengeance and just feel like I've been kicked in them repeatedly.

Two positives are that I adjusted the new route for a proper 5k (5.2k even instead of 4.82k from last time) and ran over 2 miles non stop which is a first for some time. Last third of the run was a stop start mess though.

Gotta take it one small win at a time so staying positive :D
I'd already posted on/used such software ... not sure its helping on any symptom watching for cv19 .... but it does help for sleep analysis versus the snake-oil promised in many watches -
Am also playing with this free(non-comm) software, want to do some rem sleep analysis too.
Kubios HRV Standard
"Our world famous Kubios HRV software is a scientific tool for heart rate variability (HRV) analysis"
so you can check out whether your parasympathetic(base functions) and sympathetic(exercise related) nervous system heart rate contributors indicate you are not overtraining.
A good week of firsts for me this week.

- First 6-day week of running.
- First week over 50 miles (88km up from 70km)
- Longest long run so far (27.8km).

Biggest gains mainly due to the extra day of running this week. Really wanted to push for 30km today but decided against it, as had already covered a lot of miles this week.

Feel I've made some good improvements in my weekly volume over past 4 weeks, but think I'll step it back a bit for next week and start building again a bit more slowly this time.

Going to try and stick with 6 days running per week if I can though.
@ic1male Think you wanted to see my struggling HR with a monitor? Enjoy :D


Well what can I say. Twenty odd years of sitting on my arse doing nothing has really mucked up my fitness. I guess you must have a better VO2 max than me, my Garmin says it's only 32 which is practically bottom of the scale.
Have to start somewhere, and you will be surprised at the gains you can make in 6 months. The all of a sudden your looking at your old data and think to yourself WTF amazing :) I have said it before and i will say it again, one your starting out again after years of life getting in the way of health, its better to go slow and often than often and hard. I would caution in throwing in any hard sessions for a couple of months to give your body a chance to recover/build into running. The good news is we are built for running and endurance with the odd sprint in thrown in for good measure.
Looking at my times in January when I started, I don't think my times even qualified as running :D

Biggest issue is weight for me as well, at 115kg I'm under no illusion I'm putting tremendous amount of stress on my lower body so doing my best to shift it while improving the times.
For 115kg, you're doing alright getting under 10 minute miles i'd say. I have an old ankle injury and i actually found running really good for it as it strengthened the joint a lot and after a while i got very little discomfort at al.

This might sound stupid but how did you setup your coaching plans? I went for a 5k under 25 minutes plan (a 1 minute improvement as my current PB is 26 minutes). I also said i run around 25 miles/week.

It's come back with a plan of 14 weeks, running only 3 times a week and the first run is a 5 minute trial. It feels like the plan is created for a beginner rather than someone who already runs regularly.
Funnily enough I started getting random aches and pains last year which I just assumed was normal for early 30s and my weight (quite a bit more than 115kg :o).

Only issues I still have now are still shin splints which are a lot better than when I started but zero pains elsewhere.

Also today was actually the first time I felt elated and happy at my progress. Tried a few new things and end result is that for a first time in about a decade I ran 5k non stop. Time was 9m:09s per mile compared to best 9:27 this year and even more miraculously my average BPM on the run went from 156 to 147!
I went in to plans and then picked 10k much the same as you. Didn't notice it was going to take that long until you just mentioned it :-) mine reckons I will be able to do it by early July. I wil have a look later to see if there is a way to do one for intermediate or whatever categories suit :-)
I had a fantabulous jog this morning. Didn't change a thing but somehow my heart rate didn't go above 170 in the entire 28 minutes. Usually it's 180+ after 20 minutes. The only thing different is that I have been shovelling a high amount of bad carbs into my gut over the weekend.
I'm just almost shocked at the difference once I decided to get more structured in my training and watched a few videos along with reading up on some beginner tips.

Thought it would take most of May to try and get the 5k under 30 minutes and went ahead and did it 28m:36s today :D

Didn't even feel like I was dying after like on the last two runs.

This might sound stupid but how did you setup your coaching plans? I went for a 5k under 25 minutes plan (a 1 minute improvement as my current PB is 26 minutes). I also said i run around 25 miles/week.

It's come back with a plan of 14 weeks, running only 3 times a week and the first run is a 5 minute trial. It feels like the plan is created for a beginner rather than someone who already runs regularly.

I’m on a 10k in 45min plan with Jeff. It was light work at the start but the ramp up is quite extreme! I’m week 5 of 13 on Jeffs plan and I have a 15k easy run this week as well as 10x800m speed repeats and a hill sprint session!
It’s brutal to be honest.
Ah ok. I think i just thought a 16 week plan seemed excessive to knock 1 minute off a 5k :p

I was watching a video on youtube last night and it's given me the inspiration to give it a go. Basically to run a marathon in 24 hours, but where you run a mile every hour (and then make up the extra 2.2 miles in between).

Feels like a great test of endurance and good way to push mental strength.

The only real difference is that he lives on a huge farm so its a lot easier to keep busy during the night without disturbing people. I doubt my family/neighbours would be happy with me banging around at 3am doing DIY!
Couldn't you just sit and watch telly? ;)

I just looked at my "Long Easy Run" for today (Week 2) and it is 11.36 Km. Any clue on where the distance comes from? Why not just 12Km?
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