Platypus' Beginners Guide to Running

Well yeah i guess. Feels like i'd get bored though after the 3rd hour though!

Maybe it's normally done in miles (7ish?) and then converted to KM for you? Either that or it's applied a formula against an average run?
Got my Brooks delivered this morning, ooooh they seem comfortable and can't wait to try them!

If you told me last year I'd get excited about running shoes I would laugh in your face :D
Ah ok. I think i just thought a 16 week plan seemed excessive to knock 1 minute off a 5k :p

I was watching a video on youtube last night and it's given me the inspiration to give it a go. Basically to run a marathon in 24 hours, but where you run a mile every hour (and then make up the extra 2.2 miles in between).

Feels like a great test of endurance and good way to push mental strength.

The only real difference is that he lives on a huge farm so its a lot easier to keep busy during the night without disturbing people. I doubt my family/neighbours would be happy with me banging around at 3am doing DIY!

I'm tempted by one of the back yard ultras. You run about 4.17 miles every hour for 24 hours. Starting each run on the hour and trying not to get timed out. Starts off easy, as 10min/ miles gives 20 minutes to eat, drink, stretch, change clothes/shoes etc. But it obviously builds up. The records go on for over 60 hours, but 24 gives you a nice round 100 miles
Yes, i've seen a few of those. I think Lazarus Lake from the Barkley Marathons was trying to organise something.

I guess the people with big gardens certainly have an advantage as they can maintain a moderate pace better. It's also handy to measure and try and keep track that way, as mentioned when i did a backyard run. Garmin only recorded 3.1 miles but in reality i did over 4.

The "Last Man Standing" style races seem a great idea. There's one local to me
Not a chance in hell would i do one of them, i can see myself twisting a knee or something at every turn.

The woman on the running channel did one i think, a fun watch for 10mins on youytube.
Morning all!

So I’ve been running on & off for 6 to 8 years and I’ve always ran around a 9 to 9.30 minute mile, but over the last 6-8 months this has come down to a 8 minute mile which feels comfortable now, question is how do I get faster still, as I’d like to be around the 7.30 minute mile?

I did a 5k PB last week 21:50 7.04 minute mile but I was blowing hard, just trying to improve my speed really

I’ve been reading the interval training and hill sprints can improve leg strength/power

Thanks :)
I’m on a 10k in 45min plan with Jeff. It was light work at the start but the ramp up is quite extreme! I’m week 5 of 13 on Jeffs plan and I have a 15k easy run this week as well as 10x800m speed repeats and a hill sprint session!
It’s brutal to be honest.

I've just started a 10k in 47min with Jeff. 45 mins is going some!
Discovered at 11km last night that I had misread the distance for the run and it was in fact 12.3 km. Had to work out a change to route mid run! Turned out that my revision put me less than 50 yards from home :-)

This is the 3rd or 4th longish run where by stomach decides to make itself known about an hour after finishing. Any ideas on persuading it to shut up and leave me alone? :eek:
Yes, I finish C25K next week and then I haven’t a clue what to do. What videos did you watch, @neoboy

Honestly, just typed "Running" into Youtube and watched some of those and recommended videos on the side.

Biggest changes I've made are my posture, as I was slouching a little so run as straight as I can now and now concentrating more on my breath, especially when I start to struggle. Also I've always ran on an empty stomach as I do it in the morning, but force myself to eat half a banana and couple of Brazil nuts. That and just mentally getting over this start and stop mentality with which I started this year.

Another good 5k today, new trainers are very comfortable and definitely more suited for the terrain so finished with 9:04 pace per mile. Actually a little annoyed as for the second mile (which was the slowest) I was stuck behind this family on bicycles who kept taking up the whole path and were riding slow and then faster so I had to overtake them a few times and would be stuck at barely running pace while they made space. Reckon I could have pushed for sub 9 minute mile on this run but oh well.

Actually not a hundred 100% where I want to go from here now that I can do a 5k. I run every other day which works out 3 or 4 runs a week so I think for May I'll just concentrate on improving the 5k pace, but then is it better to start training on 10k training or just run more frequently for general cardiovascular health?
Do both you will be surprised they compliment each other and will help to drop weight even quicker, just do the runs really slow and keep them short to 20-30mins.
Forced myself out today. Mainly because i needed 8 vitality points to hit the next reward threshold!#

Really wasn't feeling it, but luckily got out just before the rain really kicked in. 4th day in a row for me, so i think it's just a bit of overdoing it as it's about 4 weeks since i last ran this regularly. Especially as i've been using my balance board for ~30 mins most nights.

Day off tomorrow, though hoping to be able to get out on my new paddleboard!
Good effort getting out. I find the hardest bit is usually that mental push to just get going again after a having done a few good days.

I found myself 2.5km from home at ten to 8 tonight, so sprinted home to make the clap for key workers with the kids. Turns out my pace does appear to be improving despite having focussed almost entirely on slow running and volume for past couple of months.
Funny i had the same issue tonight as well, but was really focusing on not going going over 134bpm which is pretty much smack bang in the middle of my Zone 2, Did 16k and the average pace was 6:40 min/km normally a bit quicker than that 6:05,10. A new route as well so maybe was being conservative, felt pretty strong at the end of it. Hopefully the new shoes will be here this week.

Just checking back the Garmin and its almost a year since started running (21st May) where i did 2.5km in 21:54 at 8:45 min/km and a grand total of 735km ran on the Trainers so i have certainly got my moneys worth out of them.
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