Another coaching session this morning for me. I really need to prepare better for those, it was my 4th day in a row and whilst i've not pushed it the last few days, i've probably been a little faster than normal. It showed today!
Did 4 sets of 200m (Slow, Fast, Slow, Fast)
I'm definitely not used to putting in 90% effort over that distance and with not feeling great i could really feel it. Especially on the second fast rep on the 3rd set. By the end of the 4th set i pushed a bit harder because i knew it was nearly over. But christ at that point i was bent over and feeling light header. Definitely the sign you've been working hard.
We then chatted for a bit before she decided i should do a timed mile. That was tough and anyone who's done the Preston parkrun (in reverse this time) will know there's a few hills which are unpleasant, especially after a tough session. I came in at 8:12 which i was quite happy about. I made sure not to kill myself, but given tiredness and the hills i'll take it. It's quite a bit slower than my best mile, but those were under more favourable conditions.
Also have ordered new trainers, my New Balance have hit 280 miles but feel like the cushioning is going a little. Being heavy sucks!