It's from, I forget who linked it originally now. They had big IT issues when lejog3 launched, it got over 3000 participants most signing up the 2 days prior to the start and they hadn't got the setup in place to manage the volumes of people trying to constantly log their millage. They employed some programmers to fix it all and it works very smoothly now and shows their interested in investing cash back into the business.
Personally, yes it's giving me the motivation to get out more and keep going, they send you postcards at around 100 mile intervals and the live map with all participants is kinda fun, just a shame most of the route is motorways. I am doing this in conjunction with stravas marathon training plans, onto my 2nd consecutive 3 month sessions now. Combined, it's enough to keep the legs turning over for now
To echo SPG, we'll see how I get on as winter actually sets in...I historically really struggle as it gets dark, cold and wet. Though I'm currently on track to finish late November so should finish before that hits me.