Also, top tip for panning; Bing Maps has an OS view so you can see paths, trigs and landmarks.
I didn't realise that. That is fantastic, thanks for the heads up.
Also, top tip for panning; Bing Maps has an OS view so you can see paths, trigs and landmarks.
@Dup Great run, glad you got those extra few miles in. Some stunning pictures too! No snow at all over this way, but hoping for some on the moors tomorrow.
How was your fitness? Seemed slow for you, even i could've kept up!
Try running anywhere in Cornwall. You go three foot up/down for every foot forwards... (maybe slight exaggeration)Does anyone here track weekly ascent as well as distance?
Last year I hit my target of 2020km in 2020, and noticed I'd done that with about 40,000m ascent over the year. Am starting to put a bit more focus on that side of things as really enjoy hitting the hills.
Christ. 40,000m is massive! My Strava shows 75,000ft which is about 25,000m with a similar distance to you.
I’ve set a Strava goal for 100,000ft for 2021 to go along with my 1300 miles. It seems after 16 days I’m slightly ahead of target. Wooo go me!
@Dup today’s run was ok but I struggled. My wife was meant to be meeting a friend for a walk which kept being delayed and then cancelled around 1pm so I just headed out then with little enthusiasm. The curse of being down to a single car!
I followed the Rossendale Way for a few miles and was loving it but with the heavy rain it was constant mud so very slippy and a killer on the legs as every step you’re just sticking into the mud and really having to pull your feet up. Especially when running along a 30 degree slope and so your always at risk of slipping.
Was really windy too which made it tough in some sections and I ended up slower than I’d have liked. The positive was the last half mile or so on tarmac back to the car and I was down around 9min/mile which is a usual pace for me so even after a toughish run I felt well recovered quickly and shows fitness isn’t bad, was just the conditions.
Only ended up doing 9 miles when I’d have liked to do 16, but the sun was dropping and I had no torch so cut it well short. Tomorrow I’m aiming for some brutal hill reps on a little stretch I found yesterday.
Main downside is pain in my left foot. I’m not sure if it’s the plantar fascia tendon or just bruising just behind the ball of my foot as it’s an odd feeling. It’s a manageable niggly pain so far so I’m trying to just keep an eye on it and hope it doesn’t get worse.
I went out for my fourth run of the year yesterday.
Since getting back into it after not having done any running since June last year, my shins are struggling!
I did manage to do 4KM in 28 minutes though, which I’m happy about
Quickest ever pace for me over 3KM