Platypus' Beginners Guide to Running

Yeah, i think the fact you have the HR mitigates the main reason people go towards a watch which is for HR readings.

I also need it because i earn Vitality points for life insurance activity proof, so really it pays for itself (man logic right there!)
Man. This is what the acronym FML was made for.

My back has been achey the lat 2 days. I’ve been using my desk as have needed the second screen. Usually I sit on the sofa. Being in a different position must’ve affected my posture.

Tonight I finished work. Went for a run. Around 2 miles in my lower back was feeling like it was jarring. Especially on downhill sections.
I took it really easy but then around mile 3 my right knee got sharp pains every time I put my foot down. I assume my form must’ve been off because of my back which affected it.
I alternated for about a mile between walking and then trying to ease into a run but after a few steps the pain was back.

Then miraculously I tried running again and it was fine for the final 1.5 miles and it’s felt fine all night (unlike my back)

It’s like my body is falling apart ever since I went on that run with my mate!
You can tell your kids are older! If I tried to work on the sofa I would be accosted for IT issues (or maths help) all day long :(

I can easily believe that the combination of that run and also sitting differently would result in something happening. At least it sounds like something may have sorted itself by the end. Just have to take it gently next time to make sure perhaps?
You can tell your kids are older! If I tried to work on the sofa I would be accosted for IT issues (or maths help) all day long :(

I can easily believe that the combination of that run and also sitting differently would result in something happening. At least it sounds like something may have sorted itself by the end. Just have to take it gently next time to make sure perhaps?

I think i may try and either have a week off and just try and force myself to use the cross trainer, or just run locally and do multiple laps so that i'm always near home and can bail out if things get bad.

My back and knee feel ok today, but my foot tendon is still bad. It's always worse in the morning and then loosens as the day goes on which my wife suggests isn't a great sign. I've signed up with a PT which i did a few weeks ago and tomorrow is the first session (6am :( ), so be interesting to see how my body copes with that. I did a few sets of push ups last week and felt muscle ache for about 4 days afterwards!
Sounds a bit like plantar fasciitis? I had that ages back before I started running. Just used to stretch and use it where I could. It went away on its own in the end. Always hurt for the first five or ten min in the mornings.
Yeah that seems to be it. I'm trying to just keep an eye on it and make sure i'm not over-doing things. It's annoying as i wouldn't say i've been doing any more than ever and you'd have thought as a tendon it'd be used to running by now!
Hopefully if you ease into our runs it'll sort itself out. I'm still very lucky that I've never really had an injury, just very tired legs!

Today is one of those days where I need to drag myself out kicking and screaming. I was up late then my son had an uncharacteristic wake up in he middle of the night then up for work this morning. I want to keep up my effort but the weather (which is never usually a problem) is just the icing on the can't be bothered cake!
I was the same last night. Was steeling myself to go out in the rain and then the snow came and I just wrote it off until tonight :-)
Yep, motivation is lacking big time at the moment. I struggled big time today was slow and it felt really hard work. Had a couple of walk stops as well just hacked off in general :)
My lungs actually felt pretty beat up yesterday after the run, very cold air as was running through a forest trail and should have stuck another layer on top.

I tried to breathe in through my nose but definitely not there yet so can only breath through my mouth on the runs.

For now in this weather it's basically just maintenance for me and not looking for much progress, simply sticking to consistency.
About a week now since i last ran :(

Since that last run where my knee went all weird i've been taking it easy. Had a few walks and i can still feel some twinges occasionally. Especially last night when my wife was slipping on ice and grabbing me for support! Bought a knee support yesterday and did some squats/lunges this morning but kept the movement minimal rather than going too low and it felt ok.

Hoping i can get out soon as it's killing me. I went on the cross trainer for an hour on Saturday and it bored the life out of me!
I went on another run today - I’ve been struggling this year with shin splints, after taking time off from road running since July last year (I went back to the gym and treadmill).

It’s my 5th run I believe - 3.1km in 21 mins 5 :-)

Pretty happy with that. Just need to recover through these shin issues and I’ll be back running 3 times a week.
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