Platypus' Beginners Guide to Running

All off the NHS one`s apart from laying on the floor. Not cleaning that horrible sweaty mess up :)

New trainer time, another 600km on the Brooks, stick with what you know or move on. Tempted with the On-cloud as the brooks look crap as a normal trainer when their life has done :)
Yeah I like my ON’s for that reason. I tend to save them for city break holidays as can wear them for both purposes on holiday.

Only issue is mine aren’t ideal on light trails as they pick up stones in the grooves which is annoying, so riverside paths etc don’t work well. Normal roads are great though.
I think you mentioned that before. Its worth the risk as need some dress trainers anyway, Thanks for costing me more money :)
Guys, is it ok to work through sore quads? They're sore again from yesterday and although I don't want to do damage, and I know muscles need rest and repair, I don't want to take days off from jogging every time I get soreness. What do you think? I mean I'm capable of jogging today, my legs don't feel terrible. Basically it's an isolated part at the same position of each leg (centre to inner thigh muscle about 8 inches down from waist) which just makes it a little painful to get up from sitting down, or crouching down I have to do that slowly.

All that said though, they're nowhere near as painful as they were after jogging the first couple of times a few days ago. So that's a good sign. Scratch all that, I'll just jog through it tomorrow, I'm sure I'll be fine.
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I think you mentioned that before. Its worth the risk as need some dress trainers anyway, Thanks for costing me more money :)

Haha it’s weird as I’ve noticed it less when I’ve worn them more recently. Maybe just a different type of trail. Really good shoes though I’ve noticed they have crept up in price from when I got mine initially.
Guys, is it ok to work through sore quads? They're sore again from yesterday and although I don't want to do damage, and I know muscles need rest and repair, I don't want to take days off from jogging every time I get soreness. What do you think? I mean I'm capable of jogging today, my legs don't feel terrible. Basically it's an isolated part at the same position of each leg (centre to inner thigh muscle about 8 inches down from waist) which just makes it a little painful to get up from sitting down, or crouching down I have to do that slowly.

All that said though, they're nowhere near as painful as they were after jogging the first couple of times a few days ago. So that's a good sign. Scratch all that, I'll just jog through it tomorrow, I'm sure I'll be fine.

One thing you’ll learn with time is what you can/can’t run through.

If it’s just a little tightness then an easy run can help loosen things up. It’s recommended after big runs to get a nice easy run in the next day just to avoid seizing up completely.

Obviously though only you know whether it’s bad enough to avoid activity, but it sounds like you’d be fine.
Yeah, just sounds like a bit of lactic acid build up. An easy run will encourage blood circulation to the muscle and should, in theory, speed up your recovery. Even a walk or cycle will help if running is too much.

As you've only just started running recently it's expected that you'll get sore muscles for a couple of days after running until your body adapts to the increased load.
Thanks for the advice Martyn and dwarf, much appreciated. Not tightness really, just aching muscles where those muscles have been stressed. Best way to describe it, it feels like bruising from someone that's been punching my quads.

I think the way I jog is probably ok although I'm sure a professional trainer watching me would no doubt suggest ways to improve technique/form. Don't know much about lactic acid, I'll look it up, but I'm sure you're right, that may be part of it as well as perhaps micro tears in the muscles.
Thanks for the advice Martyn and dwarf, much appreciated. Not tightness really, just aching muscles where those muscles have been stressed. Best way to describe it, it feels like bruising from someone that's been punching my quads.

I think the way I jog is probably ok although I'm sure a professional trainer watching me would no doubt suggest ways to improve technique/form. Don't know much about lactic acid, I'll look it up, but I'm sure you're right, that may be part of it as well as perhaps micro tears in the muscles.
No problem. Definitely just sounds like DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) to me. It can be very painful but it'll go in a day or two.
Just found out I've got a ballot entry to the 2021 London Marathon. Pretty lucky I think as there would have been a lot of deferred places from the cancelled race last year. I ran it in 2019 and swore never to do it again as it was agony for the last few miles. How quickly we forget these things :D

Has anyone else got their ballot result?

It's scheduled for October 3rd so hopefully should go ahead. I've also got the Big Half on 25 April which is looking less likely.
I've entered 3 times and got in twice. Pretty jammy as I know how difficult it is to get a place. I do live in Greenwich, very close to the start on Blackheath and the Cutty Sark, so I don't know if they have bias in the draw for people who are local like they do some other races?
No problem. Definitely just sounds like DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) to me. It can be very painful but it'll go in a day or two.

I think you're right. psymonkee said the same thing in the big fat weight loss thread. I did my jog a couple of hours ago and it was nice. Burnt 450 calories, did just over half an hour. I'm pleased I was able to keep the jogging going for about 10 minutes now before taking a walking break and then jogging again, I've sort of found a more sustainable stride/pace around 12/ml. Before I could only sustain 30 seconds, but then I was overdoing the speed. Hopefully after a few weeks I'll be able to sustain the jogging for a complete session without needing to take walking breaks.

And I don't feel any pain today! :) So my legs are getting used to the load. I did a minute or so of pre and post workout which might have helped. Was quite slippery on the ground with ice, I slipped once and almost fell. Also great there weren't too many people so my path ahead wasn't slowed down.

That's great! Well done for getting out in the cold. The hardest part is usually just making it out the door in the winter. Don't worry about taking walking breaks for now, as you say in a few weeks you'll be able to sustain it for longer.

It's frustrating how many people decide to take up running and just to attempt run as fast as they can, get exhausted straight away and hate it. You're doing the right thing trying to find a sustainable pace. There's no such thing as running too slowly but you can definitely run too fast. Running is meant to be enjoyable, not a punishment!
I've entered 3 times and got in twice. Pretty jammy as I know how difficult it is to get a place. I do live in Greenwich, very close to the start on Blackheath and the Cutty Sark, so I don't know if they have bias in the draw for people who are local like they do some other races?

Yeah perhaps.

I think it's the travel that's the killer for me. I know it's a huge event and probably great to take part in, but by the time i travel down, probably grab a hotel (2 nights?) it starts getting really expensive. I'd rather go for something abroad :p

My body is still mildly broken, but i managed a 7.5 mile run on Saturday without any issues after. I do have a knee brace but i'm trying to avoid using it every run as i don't want to use it as a crutch so to speak.

I've also managed to mess up and now need to do 28 miles this month which isn't ideal. The challenge was to do 28 miles since February has 28 days. I assumed you could do this anytime, but apparently it was a choice of 1 mile each day or 1 run of 28 miles. Given it's a full year challenge of 1 each month, i don't want to fail on month 2.
I'm going to tackle the Preston Guild Wheel, it's mainly a cyclepath around the edge of Preston and around 21 miles so will just through a bit on before/after and take loads of walking breaks i think.
I also got in this year for London, tried for a few years now and this is my first successful entry.

Was not expecting that at all, wonder if there are fewer entries due to Covid and potential of being virtual places. I don't know if this is a real place or virtual as I saw something when signing up I think that it was 50k in London then 50k virtual.

EDIT: Just checked it out more, I think it's an actual spot (barring cancellation/deferment due to COVID) as I see on the site that those unsuccessful can now have early entry to the virtual ballot.
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That's great! Well done for getting out in the cold. The hardest part is usually just making it out the door in the winter. Don't worry about taking walking breaks for now, as you say in a few weeks you'll be able to sustain it for longer.

It's frustrating how many people decide to take up running and just to attempt run as fast as they can, get exhausted straight away and hate it. You're doing the right thing trying to find a sustainable pace. There's no such thing as running too slowly but you can definitely run too fast. Running is meant to be enjoyable, not a punishment!

Thanks! Yeah, last week I was doing 9/ml and was too much after half a minute, so 12 to 13/ml is more doable for me over longer stretches. Thanks for the encouragement. :) Fantastic that you and a few others can run marathons, I can't even begin to imagine being able to run non stop for quarter of a mile, never mind for 26 miles. That's just herculean!
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