Platypus' Beginners Guide to Running

It can be tricky to stick to the low HR stuff. I have an alert set on my watch when HR exceeds a level and then I try to back off if it goes off. I can't say that I always manage it though!
It can be tricky to stick to the low HR stuff. I have an alert set on my watch when HR exceeds a level and then I try to back off if it goes off. I can't say that I always manage it though!

I'm similar, my HR seems around 145-150 even when i'm going slow and feel like i could go on forever. No idea how people run around 130!

Got out again today. It's so depressing how my fitness plummets when i have some time off. I struggled on a 4 mile run :(

Knee felt good, although it feels i have a new "niggle" on every run. Today was my left shin!
Glad it isn't just me then :-)

I still get an odd pain in my knee on occasion, but only when sitting around at home. As soon as I am walking/running there is no sign of it. I have gone with watching for it and if it turns up whilst running, I will stop. Foot pain has gone away completely since I restarted running, so that at least is a positive!

I am sure it is all part of getting older. 51 now, so I have to expect a few aches here and there?
After 2 years each in the 300s of miles running Vs previous 1000 plus per year trying to get much more running in this year as weight has crept up ! 60kg to now about 73kg not aiming to get back to 60 but mid 60s pretty ideal

Currently running 3-4 times a week need to up it by one more and start increasing distance

My current 500m efforts pace is 40 seconds slower than my previous half marathon PB pace grrrr

Tried a 2/3 effort steady "recovery" tonight after efforts yesterday aimed for 3 miles 8'30 managed 3.5 miles at 8'37

Tomorrow efforts day again
Yeah, but i'm 34!

God help me by the time i'm 51 :(

You're Doomed!

Did my usual 10k route the other night and tried to take it easy. Looked at watch around 5k in to see HR at around 200bpm. Then realised the contact pads on strap had started to dry out :D Re-wet them and lost 50 odd bpm straight away!
Instant fitness gains :D

Never realised they make much of a difference. As disgusting as it is, i tend to just give mine a quick lick before putting it on!
That's what I do, but I have had a few times recently where the readings go mental and they need redoing (tricky whilst running)
I dont stick them in my mouth! I just drool on them ;-)

Maybe I should replace the strap. The garmin ones are too expensive though. Decathlon one is only £30ish
Third run of week (efforts today) done :)

Is it me or have running shoes gone up ?

I normally run in Saucony Guides and average price seemed to have crept up (always bought last year's version) from like 70 to 90-100

My current ones well well past it I reckon I've run 1500 miles in them (ooops)
Personally, if I remember to stretch, I just do a little calf, hammy and then quad stretch. Probably no more than about a minute.
Personally, if I remember to stretch, I just do a little calf, hammy and then quad stretch. Probably no more than about a minute.

Is there a video to demonstrate how you do that, or is it basically the same as exercises 2, 3 and 5 of that link I posted?
Just do some active stretches before your run. It's more important to stretch after your run.... Yeah who has time for that I am usually buggered and ready for a recovery drink and a sit down :)
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Just do some active stretches before your run. It's more important to stretch after your run.... Yeah who has time for that I am usually buggered and ready for a recovery drink and a door down :)

Heh, yeah. I just had a little try in my kitchen of this lunge with side bend.

That one seems to stretch pretty much everything. I think I'll use that as my go to exercise for a minute or two each time.
Personally, if I remember to stretch, I just do a little calf, hammy and then quad stretch. Probably no more than about a minute.
This is all I do too. Quad stretch, reach for my toes to stretch the hamstring then lunge whilst keeping my back heel on the floor. About 30 seconds for each one. I think the quad stretch is the key one to do but make sure you are doing the technique correctly or you won't get the benefit.

There's not much evidence that stretching before or after exercise has any benefit but I tend to get tight hamstrings so I try to stretch before every run just for peace of mind really. It only takes a couple of minutes. I think the most important thing is to warm up and warm down for at least 5 minutes before doing any strenuous running. If I'm doing a high effort workout I'll usually do a 15 minute warm up/warm down. It's got to be an active warm up though, a fast walk or slow jog, not stretches.
I did that stretching today at the park. About a minute doing standing quad stretch and/hip flex, and then the hamstring and calf stretch. I could still feel some discomfort in my quads when stretching from jogging a few days ago.

Kept a more consistent and slower pace today around 13:58/ml which kept my max HR around where it should be and let me keep jogging longer for 2 or 3 minutes before needing to walk again. I think my endurance has probably already increased a little.

Last run was 3.5 miles, 51 minutes and 658 calories. Today did 4.19 miles/6.7 km, took me 58.35 minutes, average HR 149bpm, occasionally hit 170, and 668 calories burnt. I think because my pace was not as aggressive today so only burnt 10 calories more than last time in half a mile more distance. I'm happy with that though. My inner thighs are sore though, uncomfortable to get up from the chair or crouch down, lol. Hopefully can jog again tomorrow. Had some high protein bread with peanut butter and banana and a satsuma straight afterwards, that was a nice reward. :) I need a new music playlist, getting bored of what's on my phone. :p
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