Platypus' Beginners Guide to Running

Morning all

What sizing do you guys normally opt for when picking running shoes, I’ve read you need to go half a size up as your feet swell when you run long distances etc, in know the Incan change from brand to brand as they aren’t all the same

I’m a 9.5 and need some new running shoes, I’ve had NewBalance now have Asics .... I don’t want to break the bank but don’t want to get cheap poor quality either


It all honestly depends on the brand and fit of the particular model, with something like Adidas Ultraboost I need size 12, with Brooks and Asics I find 11.5 a better fit but then have a pair of Pumas (regular trainers) in 11 that fit me well.
Bit of a milestone today (for me at least)

10k in under a hr but never left Z2 pretty happy with that especially come off from a long bike and brick run yesterday.
Well my injury niggles continue. Feels like my right achilles at the moment, although hard to know if it's that or a little higher in the calf. Certain movements cause discomfort. Feels ok just moving my foot around whilst in the air but weight on it causes problems.

Think i'm going to cancel/defer my entry for the Pendle Ultra, still no certainty that it's going ahead but with it planned for 4 weeks away i'm not going to be in any condition to put myself through 45 miles. I've currently only done 145 miles this year and when you consider 28 of those were that long run the other week it shows how low my volume is in general.

I feel like i've been doing more stretching/strength work than ever, but just constantly picking up little niggles.
Is anyone having issues with Garmin not syncing with Strava?

Yes I am, re-sync'd this morning to see if that makes a difference.

Had a pretty good weekend. Managed a 18.02 5k, which I was pretty pleased with considering I had just ridden a 12 mile TT, and rode for almost 7 hours the day before.

Recovery week definitely needed this week!!
I've decided to simply get back to consistency at the moment with my running, will restart the half marathon thing in April now or maybe even later depending how I feel end of this month.

My event is until September anyway so would have finished the programme too soon.
@Martynt74, sounds like you need some sports Therapy at this point. You really have some bad luck but at least you've been getting out. Maybe some warmer weather will help!

Speaking of warmer weather, I guess that's a big motivator for many to get moving again. I slumped off end of last year and after a slow start in January I've been pumping in the same 7 mile run 4 days a week and being Furloughed one day a week has meant I can get out for a longer run. I just force myself out compulsively at this point, I'd look for etter routes but I'm fitting my runs into my dinner hour. Feeling fitter and shaper now, but the weather turning will help motivation going forward. Can't wait to get into some events but I can't be bothered signing up to anything I haven't already deferred because I don't trust they will go ahead.

My next aim is Yorkshire Three Peaks, did 2/3 late last year but was beaten by the weather but much fitter now. Just need the freedom to drive there which while close, a bit cheeky to make the journey at the moment.
@Martynt74, sounds like you need some sports Therapy at this point. You really have some bad luck but at least you've been getting out. Maybe some warmer weather will help!

Speaking of warmer weather, I guess that's a big motivator for many to get moving again. I slumped off end of last year and after a slow start in January I've been pumping in the same 7 mile run 4 days a week and being Furloughed one day a week has meant I can get out for a longer run. I just force myself out compulsively at this point, I'd look for etter routes but I'm fitting my runs into my dinner hour. Feeling fitter and shaper now, but the weather turning will help motivation going forward. Can't wait to get into some events but I can't be bothered signing up to anything I haven't already deferred because I don't trust they will go ahead.

My next aim is Yorkshire Three Peaks, did 2/3 late last year but was beaten by the weather but much fitter now. Just need the freedom to drive there which while close, a bit cheeky to make the journey at the moment.

I do have a physio session in, but that's for some lower back pain. Seems to be an issue with my SI joint. All i could think is that i'm running differently because of that, but then it could explain knee pain etc but not in my foot i wouldn't have thought. The only other connection is that i've been working with a PT on strength work, but he monitors my form and corrects me when i'm not doing things right so i wouldn't have thought that would be causing issues.

It's annoying as i generally feel ok while running, i'm just reluctant to do so and that then is making me worse as i'm struggling even with short runs! An increase in alcohol and junk food isn't helping either, but i've tried to set today as the day to work on reducing that again.

That Yorkshire 3 Peaks is definitely something i'd like to do at some point.
I walked the 3 peaks many many years ago (I was about 12 or 13) Still have my little badge and card somewhere.

I am struggling with gathering enough enthusiasm to go out at the moment. Reading your most recent comments makes me feel slightly better I have to say :-) At least it isn't just me...
I walked the 3 peaks many many years ago (I was about 12 or 13) Still have my little badge and card somewhere.

I am struggling with gathering enough enthusiasm to go out at the moment. Reading your most recent comments makes me feel slightly better I have to say :) At least it isn't just me...

I went from going out 5 days a week and training for a marathon in 2019 (And running nearly daily for the previous 4 years) to pretty much stopping going out running. I have been twice this year so far, I just have 0 motivation.

Hoping I can start again soon, but with no races or events to book and a new baby to look after I just keep finding excuses not to go.
That sounds like where I am. I started this year with good intent (Well, Feb anyhow. It was too cold otherwise) there has been too much stuff on in the last 3 weeks though. I am hoping that things will improve once we go back to the office as mentally I am frazzled by the time I finish work at the moment. Maybe a change of scenery will help.
Today has been one messy day in general, forgot both my Fitbit that was left on charge and my chest HR strap for the 5k today, as well as my headphones and I hate running without music.

Somehow though, ended up doing my fastest 5k even if by a few seconds. Pretty slow by local standards in this thread but clocked in at 27:01 which ain't bad for the chunky boi that I am.
That sounds like where I am. I started this year with good intent (Well, Feb anyhow. It was too cold otherwise) there has been too much stuff on in the last 3 weeks though. I am hoping that things will improve once we go back to the office as mentally I am frazzled by the time I finish work at the moment. Maybe a change of scenery will help.

I started the year brilliantly, i was fairly good at keeping going over the Christmas period and the first Saturday of January i managed to knock 5 minutes off my Half Marathon time, going from ~2:02 to ~1:56, then did the Holcombe Howler half marathon which is a hilly beast and ever since that i've just had little niggle after niggle which seems to have held me back, and then once you get out of that routine of running often it gets harder and harder to get back.

Woke up today with loads of aches, then went to my PT session (can't cancel when it's booked in which is perfect!), and now i'm home and feel great. Aches are gone and i feel "looser".

I think what this shows me, is that i need to get back to running and getting out often. Otherwise i spend too much time sat around and my body seizes up due to a lack of activity. So from today, i'm aiming for 5x short 3-5 mile runs a week and trying to ensure i get a decent bit of warm up before hand to loosen myself off properly.

Few weeks of that and see how i am and whether i can start increasing distance again.

Today has been one messy day in general, forgot both my Fitbit that was left on charge and my chest HR strap for the 5k today, as well as my headphones and I hate running without music.

Somehow though, ended up doing my fastest 5k even if by a few seconds. Pretty slow by local standards in this thread but clocked in at 27:01 which ain't bad for the chunky boi that I am.

Like you i hate running without music (unless i'm off road), but the few times i've gone out and my headphones have been dead have been some of my best runs. Without the distraction of music i find i focus on my breathing much better and am more in the zone.
Like you i hate running without music (unless i'm off road), but the few times i've gone out and my headphones have been dead have been some of my best runs. Without the distraction of music i find i focus on my breathing much better and am more in the zone.

Yeah I was a lot more aware of my body, from breathing to little aches but I'd rather take the speed penalty than run without music again :D
Yeah I was a lot more aware of my body, from breathing to little aches but I'd rather take the speed penalty than run without music again :D

I'm with you everytime (again, except Trail Running!)

Just imagine my pain when i was struggling at mile 21 out of 28, my arch was killing on every step and my headphone battery died :p
I see a PT on a Tuesday and usually end up doing a full body type thing involving various squats and lunges.

Really need to make sure I run on a Monday as the day after I feel like my hamstrings could be used for supporting buildings they’re so tight!
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