Platypus' Beginners Guide to Running

I always loosen mine off when I get a new pair. I have them loose enough I can put on/off without doing the laces, but they won't fall off when hitting some mud. I do find my feet swell a little when running so never want them snug before heading out.
Morning all

My brother has a brand new pair of Cloud Flow Running Trainers, didn’t fit but they fit me, £50 and I’m set to get some miles in for the London marathon this year
Got a bit of regularity back again.

Obviously it’s only been a few days, but my daughter has decided to start running again so went out with her on Friday. She struggled for ~2.5 miles so that was slow and then when we got home I went for a quick tempo mile just under the 8 min/mile and felt pretty good.

Saturday I intended to do 8 miles. More than I’d told myself I was going to do at an early stage but I felt good. Struggled with fitness and then got back pain around mile 7 and took it easy for the rest of the run.

Yesterday we walked for around 3.5 miles with the dogs and then today I’ve just done 3.75 miles which is my local easy circular lunchtime route. Some mild discomfort but nothing too bad.

So that’s around 15 miles in 4 days which feels alright and something to build on.

Hoping I can keep this up. I’ve my PT session tomorrow but if I can get out for a run Wednesday I’ll be happy.
Think the weekly tennis I started recently is messing with my bad knee a bit, twisting motion is different to plain running so causing a little swelling.

Back to the ol' ice pack for me!
You're all falling to bits! Touch wood, my only issue has been overdoing it and my legs wanting me to give up and the odd ache here and there.

Running has become compulsive for me at the moment. Just running the same route most of the week just to keep fit. I've done 39+ miles a week for the last 5 weeks now.
Physically i'm fine :-)

Mentally, I just can't drag myself off the sofa to do anything. Have pretty much given up whilst it is still wet and miserable, and hoping that I can start mornings when the clocks change.
Another 10k under the hr for me, without leaving Zone 2, It has been a long slog over the past 12months to get to this point, so pretty happy overall.

Looking forward to trying to set a new 10K when it warms up a bit, still need my gloves on :)
Another 10k under the hr for me, without leaving Zone 2, It has been a long slog over the past 12months to get to this point, so pretty happy overall.

Looking forward to trying to set a new 10K when it warms up a bit, still need my gloves on :)

Nice work. I started my Z2 journey a couple months ago and am only managing around 8-8.5k in an hour at sub 140bpm. That's gone up from just over 7.3-7.5k in a couple months though. Hope to be nearing that 10k mark towards the end of the year.
Another 10k under the hr for me, without leaving Zone 2, It has been a long slog over the past 12months to get to this point, so pretty happy overall.

Looking forward to trying to set a new 10K when it warms up a bit, still need my gloves on :)

That sounds like good work. Did you just run and then slow up if your HR climbed over the limit? It sounds like it might be easier to pull off on a treadmill than on the road?
I can set an alert on my watch (garmin) if the HR goes over a certain number. I used that for a while but now run in zone 2 on "feel" which is accurate enough. I basically just slow down if my breathing becomes at all laboured.
Did you stick to a distance target and let it take as long as it took, or did you just go for a time and see how far you ended up?
Just the time, I didn't go to do 10k just the plan called up a 1hr run.

I kind of know now when I am pushing it a little, so it it's feel mainly and the the odd look at the watch. Again I think this is just time on feet to understand what your limits are.

The hard part is on the flat where I don't push enough now :)
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Also if I ever needed evidence I don't understand running in the slightest it was today's run.

Just a regular 5K, felt great so ran at what felt a good pace. Was very surprised when I looked at my pace and beat my previous PB by 50 seconds, finishing in 26:11 which knocked 10 seconds off my per KM pace.
I decided to start running last October since basically doing sod all exercise for pushing 20 years.

Started off at barely managing 6.30 per km and even then I was really struggling and couldn't run beyond 5k.

Now done to around 5.20 per km on a 5k and 5.30 p/km on a 10km. Committed to running 1000km this year so rocking at least 20km a week working toward that target. I lost 4 stone at one point though that was far too much so purposefully out a stone and some back on.

I've managed about 6 or 7 half marathons, last one I just got under 2 hours at 1.59.03, first one was nearly two and a half :p

I've just committed to the virtual London marathon and I'm bricking it, I've got a training plan in place and working toward, hopefully, getting it under 4 hours though that's a pipe dream.

Anyhow, point of the post. I'm a bit older, 37, and coming off a long, long time of no exercise I find I'm picking up injuries a lot. The niggles I can live with but I keep aggravating my left calf and it's really, really tight sometimes for days after a run and it's screwing with my training plan. Does anyone have similar issues and could share advice on the topic?
My calves and shin splints were a murder when I first started running, got some of those CEP compression calf things and got better, but I imagine body adopting slowly anyway. Imagine any brand will do though and only downside is that I still feel silly wearing them as a grown man :p
My calves and shin splints were a murder when I first started running, got some of those CEP compression calf things and got better, but I imagine body adopting slowly anyway. Imagine any brand will do though and only downside is that I still feel silly wearing them as a grown man :p

I'll give that a look, I'm already wearing knee support and ankle support on my left leg so why not something for my calf too :D:p
A late one for me.

The woman who manages our running club sets monthly challenges for the year. This month was about the moon and today (well yesterday’s) was about the moon equinox.

One run at 10:23am and another at 02:23 for it settings. Really wasn’t sure if bother but it’s been nice out running when it’s so quiet.

Now a well earned night cap before I go disturb the wife having a shower and getting in bed!
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