Platypus' Beginners Guide to Running

I got a pair of Nike Infinity Run last week, found the stability colar around the back that comes around to midfoot dug into my arch. Looking on reddit i'm not the only one who has the problem and it doesn't go away so i have sent these back. Really impressed on the fact i sent them on Tuesday 2nd class back to sportsdirect and got the money back on Thursday.
On the Wednesday i had some New Balance 1080v10 turn up (about £90) they were really plush only issue was they were a bit narrow for my feet... so on Thursday i sent these back to sportshoes. The price of the 1080v10's in wide are closer to the newer version price so i've now ordered the 1080v11 in 2E width. Hopefully they are wide enough. From my little try out in the 1080v10's i can see these being a great daily trainer, they're nice and soft but not silly soft like they look. All i could do with now is something for the quick work outs = which i'll likely get something a little cheaper for.

On my progression run yesterday i was really happy, warm up was 12 min mile, easy run was just over 11min miles and then the medium / hard run was 8.5 min miles which is the first time i've run less than 9 min miles before.
I've been like most people starting out with running again battling against my shins, some of it will be the firmness of my current running shoes, some of it will be the shock to the system of runnning. I've started using the foam roller pre and post work out, cold bath after running and lots of pre and post stretching. I enjoy the really cold baths once i'm in them but struggle getting in to start with. i've got some ice packs turning up that i might use instead. if not i'm tempted to buy a water butt that i can drop into rather than the bath which is one foot at a time.
Slow as hell 21k on Saturday, was warm/cold/wet/ blue skies then grey cheapness. As usual going over a style I tweek something :) you would think being warmed up all would be good
I was useless over the weekend. Went paddle boarding Friday night as the weather seemed decent. All Saturday morning i then told myself i'd do a 10 mile run before i went to pick my sister up as she was coming round for some drinks. That never happened so i told myself i'd do it Sunday.

Woke up Sunday with a hangover from hell, and had been nominated by the wife that i'd play driver for them to go round B&M and the Range, before cutting some trees at my sisters. I then got home around 4pm, curled up on the sofa with sweets and pizza.

That means i only did 12 miles last week over 2 runs which is pretty pathetic!
I made it out just before the rain came at 21:15ish. Was just finishing up and it really started coming down! Feels good to be back out and now kicking myself for leaving it so long.
15k is better than 0k :)

Do you what you do that keeps you doing it that`s enjoyable. Repeatability > anything else.

Hugely, i was getting some free pointers from a PT in the gym around some beneficial exercises to compliment running and he was finishing by telling me all about what he could do for me.

I like the sound of it, but when he's talking about nutrition macros and a schedule for training it just feels like it saps any enjoyment out of it for me. I'm sure it'd make me a much better runner, but would i enjoy it? I'm not sure.
I think that depends on how you do everything else. If you are the type of guy who likes that level of detail in everything you do, then it is probably great. If (like me) you get up, blunder around, eat kids left over toast scraps, shout at the dog, go to work, eat random snacks etc. then you may not enjoy it quite so much :)
Haha see i quite like that level of detail and i'd probably benefit from it. What i wouldn't like is the weekly recap shame as i tell him how on Tuesday i ate a huge bag of crisps at 10pm and on Thursday i ate 6 pieces of toast for breakfast...
You're all amateurs, I can raise you all on those binges :D

Only thing I'm probably better at in this thread because running isn't one of those things :p
Haha well, i had a big bag of kettle chips last night and 2 beers. I really need to get my mindset back to where it was last year. It's not helping me and it's not helping the wife either as if i'm stuffing my face then she ends up doing so too.

Managed to get myself up at 7am this morning to get out for 6 miles, first run since my jaunt in the hills last Wednesday due to general laziness and booze. Looks like i planned it well as it's now raining! Going to try and keep getting myself up early like this i think. It's ages since i went for a morning run!
Well done :-) I did notice you had been out this morning whilst staggering round after going out last night. I can safely say that the Garmin Coach plan works me harder than if just went out for the same time. It looks like I am due for hill repeats next :eek:
Yes, i noticed you'd hit a fair bit of ascent in a relatively short run.

I try and avoid running at night as i always end up struggling a lot more the next day.
Haha... That is a problem with this watch i think. I hit "correct elevation" after you mentioned it and it dropped to 37M :-)

Hill repeats are tomorrow. Yesterday was pretty flat, so I am surprised at even 37M to be honest.
My new balance 1080v11 in wide fit turned up, very comfy. Struggling a bit with my shins so had a week off running and spent a great deal of those days not running stretching and icing the shins.
I've purchased some compression things for the shins when running. they should be here today.

Got my first event since 2019 next saturday a 10k event. Not aiming for anything other than completing it.
Well set myself a target now. Registered for the Great Manchester Run Half Marathon in September. Will run the 10k next weekend and change my garmin coach plan to 1/2 marathon. I ran it 2 years ago in 2 hours 16minutes so if i can aim for anywhere near that i will be happy.
Good work. That target always helps brilliantly. I always look at Manchester but the costs seem crazy these days. Think the marathon is around £75 and i just struggle to justify it.

I got out today. Was a huge struggle and i'm blaming my covid jab rather than the excess weekend alcohol!
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