Platypus' Beginners Guide to Running

On the other hand, I didn't get out and I did blame it on the excess weekend alcohol :-) Hoping to get out tonight instead (As long as my flippers arrive)
Events are getting silly prices, mainly down to councils trying to make more and more money from it and crazy agendas on the grounds of making it safe and putting in a barrier costs 1k
I think the TriIsland running one this weekend was something like £10 or £20 but there's a small limit on numbers to something like 100 to 200 people and they won't be closing roads for it.
The manchester one they close a lot of roads which must cost a fortune. The manchester half is £49 , think in 2019 it cost me 30 sommet.
Not a traditional run but signing up to this, plus a pretty short drive away from me. Will give something to train for over the summer so I don't get too stagnant with runs.
Events are getting silly prices, mainly down to councils trying to make more and more money from it and crazy agendas on the grounds of making it safe and putting in a barrier costs 1k

It's one of the reasons to go off road now. The Montane Grizedale marathon is £35, and loads of smaller events in the £15-£20 region around.

As above, road marathons that close off a lot of roads must cause a fair bit and i'm just not willing to pay it. Although given Manchester have made the marathon a 3 lap loop, you'd think it would've saved a lot from that!
I got myself some new shoes! I only bought them because of their cool banana design and don't really intend to wear them until the North Antrim Coast Half Marathon at the end of August.

Spangly :)

I have no idea why should cost so much to close off roads, its pathetic. No one needs paying off apart from the people who write the letter that the road is going to be closed.
Spangly :)

I have no idea why should cost so much to close off roads, it is pathetic. No one needs paying off apart from the people who write the letter that the road is going to be closed.
Here in Northern Ireland, the PSNI has passed the cost of policing the closed roads onto race organisers which then get passed onto the runners. Typically the Belfast Marathon would always have been on the May Day holiday but it is now been moved to the day before because the policing is cheaper!
It's one of the reasons to go off road now. The Montane Grizedale marathon is £35, and loads of smaller events in the £15-£20 region around.

As above, road marathons that close off a lot of roads must cause a fair bit and i'm just not willing to pay it. Although given Manchester have made the marathon a 3 lap loop, you'd think it would've saved a lot from that!
I might go for that Grizedale one next year if i'm remotely fit. I've walked and biked around there so many times but never thought of running there.
I would love to do Grizedale half marathon but I would probably need at least 12 months of hardcore dedicated running training before attempting something like that.

What kind of elevation gain are we talking about here?
I would love to do Grizedale half marathon but I would probably need at least 12 months of hardcore dedicated running training before attempting something like that.

What kind of elevation gain are we talking about here?

Think it's about 4000ft over the whole course, so not atrocious. However i've still not managed to do over 7.5 miles for a long, long time and i'm a month away. This isn't going to bode well!
First real race today in forever. Local 10k have the course laid out for a week or so to run when you want then just send them a Strava/equivalent link and arrange to pick up the medal.

This replaced my progressive long run so ran the 4.5 miles there and again back to crank out the miles. Forgot how difficult the course is with 800ft climbing.... need to get more hill work in I think. Total for the 15odd miles was about 1300ft
Virtual 10k yesterday, was hard going in the heat but managed 1hr:01min my pb is 59 mins set in 2014. Bit gutted I couldn't get that bit quicker but considering in March this year it took a few attempts to even run 2miles I'm happy with the progress
How do you breath?

I've just discovered you can breath through your chest or stomach (diaphragm) and that you should be able to get more oxygen in through the diaphragm way?
How do you breath?

I've just discovered you can breath through your chest....

It took me a moment to get what you were meaning here. I was initially thought this was some sort of running equivalent of having gills :D

I guess you mean "using you chest", not literally through your chest.
It took me a moment to get what you were meaning here. I was initially thought this was some sort of running equivalent of having gills :D

I guess you mean "using you chest", not literally through your chest.

Try it. Take a breath and you probably see the your chest expanding. Now breathe from your stomach instead, it's called belly breathing. This is where your diaphragm is and it allows you to take it a lot more oxygen. The first time I tried it I was quite dizzy. This opens up a whole new world in both running and swimming if you can perfect it. Much more oxygen intake means much less lactic acid build up.
Finally knocked out a 10 mile run on Sunday. I definitely need to cut out booze though. It's making everything hard and is becoming too frequent. Not talking huge quantities, but something like 1/2 bottle of wine and the odd beer Thursday/Friday/Saturday/Sunday is having a very negative affect.

I've always found i've gone backwards with regards to pace management. Not that i'm slower, but my "This feels like a slow easy pace" is actually around 8:30 pace which i'd consider my tempo pace, but because it feels slow it's what i keep running at, that then kills me after a bit and i end up walking because i'm exhausted and my HR is freakishly high, yet when i start again i seem to return to that previous pace, even when trying to consciously be slow.
I think on todays run i'm going to set pace alerts on my watch and just try and stick within a nice slow zone.
What legal PEDs are there or do you use?

I've been reading up on echinacea which many claim can increase red blood cells and also concentrated beet juice which possibly increases NO2 levels. Has anyone tried any of these or other substances?
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