Well my long run fell over completely. Had created a brilliant route over some local fells, yet on the drive there the fog was so thick i could barely see 100m in front of me!
The first few miles were superb, and running on trails i already knew. We'd also climbed above the fog and the sun was bright and sky blue. Then i missed a slight turn and ended up with around a 1 mile road section. Not an issue in itself as the views were still pretty spectacular. We then hit a reservoir and this is where things went wrong. The GPX map on my watch hadn't loaded correctly but i didn't know at this point. So it was directing us across a field, i was blindly following it and we just kept coming to a barbed wire fence with no "path" in sight, we skirted around the field a bit and picked up the path. Running along, it seemed i was always "off" the gpx line on my watch, so we kind of did our best, then came to a road crossing and ended up in the wrong direction.
At this point i realised the watch was wrong. I'd made the route on Strava so pulled my phone out and could see where we were supposed to go. The watch was missing various points, so just plotting a straight line between the points it had and not all the small accurate plots of an actual route.
We knew roughly the direction we wanted as could see Darwen moor in the distance and decided to cut through a forest. I climbed over the stile and landed awkwardly. My ankle turned over and i thought it had destroyed itself again. I've gone over on it a few times over the last few weeks which have been really painful, but then subsided. This felt different and i feared the worst. At this point we're a minimum of 5 miles to the car and with no proper idea how to get back. I walked along a bit and the pain subsided. We then came upon a load of trees which had fallen down completely cutting off any obvious path. I rested against one and moved my foot around in circles which reassured me it wasn't too bad. No swelling at this point and movement was "ok". We cut off across a bit of moorland and i started a jog again. Still being very worried because it hurt and i couldn't see where i was running as the grass was around 3ft high and blocking any sight i had.
Came back to another road and followed that a while and my watch had us turning left, i could see an actual trail here so followed that, only to come to a dead end after half a mile with no other options. Checked my phone and it had messed up again, turned back round, followed the road around 400m and picked up the right trail. Followed this up to Darwen moor and i knew where i was going. Ankle was feeling ok at this point which was good as the ground was very bumpy and slippy.
Got to the top of the moor around 13 miles and my mate was struggling. He's normally a much better runner than me and runs around a 1:25 half, however he had had his covid booster the day before and i think going over 2 hours had wiped him out. Luckily i'd been aware of this and we did the route in reverse. This gave a lot of options to cut the route short as it was very zig-zaggy at this point and we headed straight to the car which was only around a 1 mile downhill section to finish with around 15 miles. Probably got the best as another 7 miles and factoring in the extra being lost time meant that i'd have been pushing it for time.
Fitness wise i felt good and i did consider doing another 3-4 miles once back at the car, but sense wise i knew i'd just done ~8 miles on an injured ankle and wanted to get home and check on it. Also it was the first outing in the new trainers. There was a little rubbing but overall they felt comfy and more that enough cushioning for those road sections we had.
Onto today and ~48hrs recovery. I can walk ok, however twisting my ankle with weight causes pain so it's definitely a light sprain. Luckily this is an easy-ish week in the training plan, so just going to take it easy and get back to icing it often and hopefully it'll be a quick recovery.