Absolutely fine after the injection, i'd got myself worried following some things i'd read online, but genuinely barely felt anything during the injection and then afterwards the worst i'd describe it as would be a dull throb.
There's still a little discomfort around the foot/plantar, but i'm not sure if this is now due to my foot having adjusted to insoles/changed form for so long and then now trying to reverse that. I'd also bought some new Hokas which i've brought and left the others at home but unsure if they're as good a fit. I was limited as my wife called me the woman in the relationship since i have packed around 9 pairs of shoes (2x slides, 1x trail shoes, 2x road shoes, 1x "recovery/house" shoe, 2x barefoot shoes for pottering and then my bike shoes) - Given i'm a size 11/12 they take up a lot of space!
I've tried to sit down more during the day rather than standing at my desk too to minimise how much weight i put on it.
Out here for 3 months this time, then the plan is to head home in June, do a few jobs around the house and stick it on the market in August/September time with a hope of being back out here permanently in Q4. June is going to be tough, we're both already absolutely loving the lifestyle of being able to sit out/walk after work rather than hide from the cold/rain.