Got my first second place finish, even had a shot on the other guy out rushed it and then the circle pushed me out of cover. Got the heart racing at the end.

Enabled scout mode on my SBZ and it's almost like cheating.
One major change I'd make to this game..

Remove gas masks from everyone's inventory. Make them a findable item only (ie, you can't start with one). Then make the red zone a slow poison gas, you can run in it with a gas mask, but would take slow damage and cough if you don't have one. Currently the red zone poses next to no danger, I just sprint through it, never been harmed :D. This would make gas masks at least semi useful.
One major change I'd make to this game..

Remove gas masks from everyone's inventory. Make them a findable item only (ie, you can't start with one). Then make the red zone a slow poison gas, you can run in it with a gas mask, but would take slow damage and cough if you don't have one. Currently the red zone poses next to no danger, I just sprint through it, never been harmed :D. This would make gas masks at least semi useful.
That would make it somewhat more like the film with the exclusion zones activating the explosive collars. Currently, I just get into whatever building in the red zone. Not much risk!
-Regarding this gas, in buildings or cars with windows, you'd be safe :)
I wouldn't mind it leaking into buildings, only when the windows are shot out though.
It'd make a potential tactic flush a team out of buildings when they're just camping endlessly.
I made it about 150 hours before getting bombed in the red zone, had it happen for a second time on Sunday at about 340 hours, I just run through them with abandon :D
If it makes you feel better I've driven me and my brother over hills on a bike at speed and killed us both hitting trees.
oh this was a whole other level of special - crested a hill and put the car into a tree sideways at about 90mph while 2 dudes were stood beside said tree, they duly wiped us out. I'm sure they were wondering wtf just happened. they'll never have 2 easier kills again!
One major change I'd make to this game..

Remove gas masks from everyone's inventory. Make them a findable item only (ie, you can't start with one). Then make the red zone a slow poison gas, you can run in it with a gas mask, but would take slow damage and cough if you don't have one. Currently the red zone poses next to no danger, I just sprint through it, never been harmed :D. This would make gas masks at least semi useful.
I always find myself in the red zone multiple times per game.
changed for ya

m249 is best dps gun the game.. ive ripped cars apart in seconds with it and close to medium range (if u can aim) ull melt people!

i'd argue it's the AWM (sniper). killed / knocked down a few with it and even won a game using it.

machine gun just seemed like spray and pray with the recoil, 100 bullets in the clip and you can only use 1 attachment on it.

my favourite gun is an UMP because of the likelihood of finding attachments and ammo. suppressors are also the best attachment you can find next to 4x scopes. i usually try and run an UMP and a rifle of some kind. i'll settle for a vector if i cannot find an ump but it really needs an extended mag for it to be viable.
I just run through the red zone, not been hit yet, same as bledd.
One of my mates said the same the other day. Cue him sprinting off through it getting halfway between two groups of buildings before taking a direct hit, knocking him out. I sprint over when the bombing died down, revive him, he takes no more than three steps after using a first aid kit and gets hit again - a second red zone appeared directly on top of the previous one!

He's never going to live it down :D
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