PlayStation 4 Pro in-bound

cHk4;30488889 said:
What is a decent headset for the PS4 for voice comms or is there not really much of that these days? Not needed one for console in ages.

the official platinum headset looks ok, but I havent tried one myself so can't comment on sound quality
monkeyspank;30490044 said:
the official platinum headset looks ok, but I havent tried one myself so can't comment on sound quality

That looks pretty smart actually.

So I've got the PS4 Pro turning up today, I have the KS7000 turning up Monday... What games are worth it to show it off? I have Nioh, For Honour, Infamous Second Son and Yakuza 0... Any others that would be worth getting?

cHk4;30490667 said:
That looks pretty smart actually.

So I've got the PS4 Pro turning up today, I have the KS7000 turning up Monday... What games are worth it to show it off? I have Nioh, For Honour, Infamous Second Son and Yakuza 0... Any others that would be worth getting?


Uncharted 4 for sure. TitanFall 2.
So this boost mode is just the extra clocks on the GPU/CPU/MEM? Not the other half of the GPU?

Good FPS gains there, imagine if they unlocked the full chip for boost mode (probably causes issues).
redrooster303;30491400 said:
So this boost mode is just the extra clocks on the GPU/CPU/MEM? Not the other half of the GPU?

I think that's a good trade-off between offering some extra performance for the user but not giving a free ride to the devs. If they want to use the other Compute Units they have to do a patch.
cHk4;30490667 said:
That looks pretty smart actually.

So I've got the PS4 Pro turning up today, I have the KS7000 turning up Monday... What games are worth it to show it off? I have Nioh, For Honour, Infamous Second Son and Yakuza 0... Any others that would be worth getting?


The last of us remaster. Prepare for feels :D
Second Son will be more than enough :D I'm jealous of all you HDR owners. I bought a 40" Sammy H6400 late last year, which is a 1080p tv. I won't be upgrading for a while and the chances of 4k 40" TV's (I can only fit a 40" in the space I have on the wall) having HDR are very slim.
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