Playstation Plus

Guys, my PS+ subscription ran out in December and I never got round to renewing. Can I use a code to renew my subscription or do I have to renew via PSN and pay the full price?

you'd be fine with a code from CDkeys. if you need a 1 month code, i have one lying around if required
I'd like to see AC Black Flag on PS4. It's cheap and old now. AC3 on the PS3 came around quick enough. Either that or Killzone soon I would think.

Apotheon (PS4)
Transistor (PS4)

Thief (PS3)
Yakuza 4 (PS3)

Rogue Legacy (PS4, PS3, PS Vita Cross Buy)
Kick and Fennick (PS Vita)

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I seem to get depressed every month reading peoples comments about how they just seemingly ignore these gems until they turn up for free :(. SMH...

Wish the Bastion port would hurry up :)

ps3ud0 :cool:
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Cool, I just might resurrect/dust off my PS3 simply for Thief (and I'll snag Prototype 2 before it goes), I didn’t want to buy that game but I'll def have a go if its free :)
I'll go against the grain and say, *sigh* yet another month of no doubt amazing indie platformers that will be great, but just do not appeal to me in any way.

I'd rather have the ps3 games, but I can't because I upgraded to next gen
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