Playstation Plus

grr darn US PS+ account will expire on 15.7.2015


still got good 3 months too decide if having us+uk both same time....

what would you gals do? :)
grr darn US PS+ account will expire on 15.7.2015


still got good 3 months too decide if having us+uk both same time....

what would you gals do? :)

why do you have both? if it's for the games aren't they the same most of the time across both? i'd probably keep the US plus if i were you as I imagine it's cheaper and better.
Tower of Guns (PS4) looks like it might be worth a go, at least it makes a change from the normal PSN plus 2D platformers.
I think this has to be one of the cackest months I've ever seen on PS+. Aaru is an inferior platformer, Tower of Guns is just completely bizarre and Dishonored I wasn't in to last time I tried it.
I played (if that's the right term) the first level (only a few seconds) of Arooo and that was enough for me.
Instant uninstall!
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