***** PlayStation Vita Official Thread *****

well looks like mine will be here today its currently at the delivery depot. :)

:( I think an email to amazon will have to be sent. Why pay for prime if you can not bother and get stuff early. And if mine arrives at like 6pm watch me go mad lol.

Happy for you, just watch your back :p

Use the MM Please.- ThundyCat.
I emailed Amazon in regards to the VIP case showing different estimated dates in my account vs the product page and it was a mistake, they aren't getting them in till March 2nd.

Please accept my sincere apologies for this apparent mix-up. Due to a technical error, the estimated date that is shown in Your Account for this item is incorrect, and we have taken immediate steps to correct this error.

I've made a pre-order for the case at Zavvi now too, whoever ships first I'll cancel the other.
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Well 3 of my 4 Amazon orders are now dispatching soon.

1) Uncharted £28
2) Rayman and Lumines £12
3) 3G Vita, 8GB card, Rayman £275

Just waiting on the VIP case. My account still says 22nd of Feb but as the above said the product page is March 3rd. Zavvi still says 22nd though play.com says March 2nd. Grrrrrr!!!

at least it seems they are not cancelling the Rayman / Lumines pricing mistake.
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Well 3 of my 4 orders are now dispatching soon.

1) Uncharted £28
2) Rayman and Lumines £12
3) 3G Vita, 8GB card, Rayman £275

Just waiting on the VIP case. My account still says 22nd of Feb but as the above said the product page is March 3rd. Grrrrrr!!!

How comes you got uncharted at £28 ? and is that £12 each for rayman and Lumines ?
How comes you got uncharted at £28 ? and is that £12 each for rayman and Lumines ?

In the middle of December they had Uncharted up for £28. And then when they first put the Ubisoft games online they were all £6 each and I managed to get in before they changed it back. They never cancelled it ;)

The UK price for A-Men has been confirmed as £12.99 by the devs.
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In the middle of December they had Uncharted up for £28. And then when they first put the Ubisoft games online they were all £6 each and I managed to get in before they changed it back. They never cancelled it ;)

The UK price for A-Men has been confirmed as £12.99 by the devs.

Lucky ! :p
In the middle of December they had Uncharted up for £28. And then when they first put the Ubisoft games online they were all £6 each and I managed to get in before they changed it back. They never cancelled it ;)

The UK price for A-Men has been confirmed as £12.99 by the devs.

me to :) I got Luminies, Rayman, Asphalt Injection and Dungeon Hunter, selling them to help justify my purchase

Yup. Considering I was expecting to pay £230 for the WiFi, probably £80 for the 32GB card, £35 for Uncharted and Wipeout etc I think this has worked out rather cheap in comparison and I'm getting the 3G to boot.

me to :) I got Luminies, Rayman, Asphalt Injection and Dungeon Hunter, selling them to help justify my purchase


I'm just updating the OP to include A-Men and Plants vs Zombies and Mutant Blobs attack. The US are getting the latter two this week but they have not even been mentioned for the EU yet.

At time of writing there are 28 launch day games and that could go up to 30 if those two are confirmed for the EU today. Apparently there will be a LOT of blog posts on the official blog today!

Also FW update 1.61 is already out which adds the Maps, video capture and stuff to western machines and also includes a few small software tweaks for anyone already on 1.6 that make the system run a little better.
keep refreshing the tracking page even though it says out for delivery. it fell nicely in the 2 days i booked off. :p
Mine will be here at lunch time, but i dont get home till about 7.

It's wrong, but I feel better :p lol. They are hoping to update the store today at some point so hopefully you'll be able to get some games! Plenty of demos should be available.

Wheres the cheapest I can get starter kit from :) ?

The official one? Asda £15.

OP update to include those three games now.

Launch day
A-Men - Trailer - Puzzle (like Lemmings and Lost Vikings) - Has Demo

Coming soon
Plants vs Zombies - Very soon - Trailer - Strategy

Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack - Very soon - Trailer - Platformer

For anyone getting one today (I hate you)
When you turn the system on it'll eventually ask you to do a system update and in turn ask if you want to use your current account. CLICK NO. go through the process for setting up a trial account, let it update and then sign in with your account. For some reason it apparently doesn't like people trying to sign in with existing accounts until it's been updated. It's a hangover from the Japanese launch and I doubt the existing FW on the EU units will be any different.
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Anyone got their 32gb card from planetaxel yet?

No. The logging on the site from the 15th said it should clear customs and enter the German postal service in 2-4 working days. Assuming it's 4 days that puts it as today. I'd guess 2 days from Germany to here but I honestly have no idea. I'd fully expect them this week however.

Hopefully it was 2 days to enter the system so they could be in your posties bag right now!

Added Retro City Rampage to the OP

Retro City Rampage - May - Trailer - retro top down shooter
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