Please Help Calling Graphics Card Genius's Faulty GTX 970

27 Jan 2018
Uk, Southwest
Hey Fellow Overclockers,

I am a bit of trouble with my gtx 970 graphics card

Inno3d GTX 970 OC 4GB GDDR5

Setup - Intel 6600K CPU - MSI Z270 BOARD- 600w Corsair PSU - 16GB Corsair DDR4 -

Tested my RIG with a mates GTX 1080Ti 11gb , with no issues , so its definitely the card not the rig.

the issue i am having is - and what i have done:

NOTE: All Steps are carried out while plugged into PCI Slot of a working motherboard with working Power Supply

Install both 6-pin cables (2x 6pins) *NO POWER - NO BOOT*
Install 6pin cable into only port A (1x6pins) *BOOTS* Message on screen to install other 6 pin plug*
Install 6-pin cable into only port B (1x6pins) *NO POWER - NO BOOT*

so by trial and and error the issue seems to be the 6 pin port B or some capacitor/resistor/ etc etc that links to it. i have included pictures with this post of the board , with a series of parallel capacitors and mosfets.
can anyone make end of this , and inform me of what might be causing this , it powers up and im not ready to give up on this yet ? any ideas chaps ? also there is absolutely no sign anywhere on the board of anything blown burnt or faulty

thanks in advance

You could try the 970 in your mate's pc and prove it's the card definitively. I'd go that route as the GTX1080ti uses an 8pin and a 6pin so it could still be your PSU/PSU cables causing the issue.
Hints lot to something having shorted in card.
12V wires of PSU come from single source so shorted cable would cause problem no matter if it's connected or not.
(without even testing other card)
This happen Friday evening by any chance? My own GTX 970 died then.

Symptoms were some light grey screens for a few seconds, then some programs not loading (or appearing), after that black screens for a few seconds, then a shutdown with a brief but distinct "BZZZZZ" sound. Computer would not start till I removed the GPU. Tested GPU in my brother's system and it powered on... instantly accompanied by loads of smoke unfortunately.

Saw a post by someone at describing how his 1080Ti died Friday evening as well, shortly after a forced graphics update.
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