ahh! yeah turned all those off, should i turn off HT?
right, all reverted to optimal defaults. disabled EIST, C1E, and unchecked any kind of turbo mode or anything. the memory seems to have gone from profile 1 to defaults and now my memory is not at 1866 but instead, its at 1066, that right ? :s
gunna restart and enable ht as i dont think it should be disabled, al make sure multi and blk is actually at default then ill post a screenie of temps, right now theyre running at around 35-39. c
there is no reason whatsoever that those settings shouldnt be working
i've found with my ud7 i need a small bump in qpi pll - only to 1.14, but that helped massively with stability
run memtest to make sure your memory is working properly
there is no reason whatsoever that those settings shouldnt be working
But clearly they aren't..
so what do i do now ?
he is having no luck trying small clocks.
hence the 'download and run memtest' suggestion.
run memtest