Fair comments guys ... but if I can elaborate, its not that difficult to point a modern phone hi quality phone camera in the general direction of the stage and watch it live too, is it? glance up and down, its no problem at all really, is it? If I can look up and down from my guitar fretboard and glance forward too when playing, than all is well.
I've got used to doing that and who doesn't do it? If it were not for folks like us, there would be NO Youtube live video shows of anything we've seen to remind us how good it was, back in the day for future viewing.
Appreciate it, all those live concert clips and constant reminders of old good times never came out of thin air, it was because folks like us tried to film it to the best of their ability that never harmed anyone.
It doesn't hurt anyone else. No flash used here, ever. I don't stand up ... I'm disabled and choose seats especially and film at chest hight, head hight max, as they were for my Ghost clip. and am aware of the people behind me who somtimes at other gigs if I might obscure their view ... I don't do that ... or those selfish people who choose to stand up in front of me whom know disabled people are behind them.
Am very aware of my surroundings and don't hold my camera up in the air to film. and I cant see what the problem is?
Ive got used to it over the years, can appreciate it live and then take home my digital memory's (as I call them to play later too and share with my gig buddys and friends, none of whom complain) I mean some of the early comments to this thread are just silly and ill thought out. have personally experienced it at live gigs at a Tangerine Dream show at Glasgow especially, when filming ...some a%%%s saying, look at this idiot filming the show ??? I overheard him So Pointed cam at them too they shut up immediately, especially after the glower from EX .... honestly they thought they had the whole concert experince worked out but bet they did a google next day and saw my clip too
Sexy Grey Fox, like your Ghost Papa clip, cant wait to see this band live again, hopefully next year ... Ghost are Amazing.
But in for in for a Penny and in for a Pound, thought I'd share my recent Glasgow Iron Maiden experience here too, it was a lot of fun, they still rock IMHO and a good time was had by all. Prepare for some "Whoahh Oh, Woahh Oh" stuff here, it sure reminds me of some of their classic OLD shows where unfortuantly there were no cameras around, sure would love to see archive footage of and me mates attending such concerts in the early 80's, we should be grateful moden phones can record images so well, video and sound so well these days, and are allowed them into Concert places.
Onwards and forwards, my clip of Iron Maiden at Glasgow in June this year, great fun.