Please Spec me a TV - OLED/QLED 55 inch under £850 - Big Disappointment with New TV

im interested in this, been putting off buying a tv for a bit but if thats the discount with code then im in :D granted the £100 is an e card (im assuming thats what you are referring to aswel?)
it's £1050 with £100 off on the website I'm on, not sure If I can post competitor links here?
ocuk don't sell tv's and john lewis don't sell computer parts so you'll be grand to post a link. i don't know where you are seeing that tv for 1050, cheapest i see it is 1299 on the JL site.
ocuk don't sell tv's and john lewis don't sell computer parts so you'll be grand to post a link. i don't know where you are seeing that tv for 1050, cheapest i see it is 1299 on the JL site.

its roughly 20% off so have seen a few searches showing that they are having 20% off but couldnt locate a code that worked when i quickly looked.
Come on @DomBruv, Where's our link? :p

If it's a legit way to get a 55" C1 for £900 I think more than a few of us might be interested in jumping on that bandwagon :p
Hmm, never seen the CX drop below a £1000 myself and second hand ones at that price will probably have faults. Most have the classic visible line going down the screen. While screen burn can happen, if worried buy from JL who will cover it.

Have you checked to make sure your Hisense isn't faulty. What's the actual issue?

Weirdly the 55 and the 48 are the same price most of the time and I own both of them but Ive seen the 48 as low as £850 from time to time.

If I was OP I would wait or just put the extra for the LGCX55. There is not a panel better at that price given its Gsync and 120hz as well.
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