Please tell me your convenient life hacks in using a MacBook

All due respect just because you couldn't or didn't know how to use it doesn't mean it's not useful life hack for others. Objective development have been around a long time and there snitches are very popular with a lot of windows users wanting the same functionality.
All due respect, you know nothing about me or my professional background. So I’ll agree to disagree as this isn’t going anywhere.
You're missing the point. It's the straw that broke the camels back. The functionality of the software enabled me to track outgoing data so I can make an informed decision about my data

there is an allow all button! Just tick it. The program Is like 90% tick or cross you choose . Apps that are talking are at the top of the list.

Even "Legitimate" software does illegitimate snooping, there is history of apps in the playstore and app store that have proven this.

I used to use VOX music player on ios, it's excellent at what it does. Have had it for years. When I updated to ios 14, every time I opened vox ios notified me that vox copied from the clipboard board wtf! Could be a bug i suppose but I didn't like it one bit. There is no need for it to do that.

the link I posted to the video was deleted but in short Louis Rossman a right to repair activist and tech repair shop owner in New York (highly recommend his vids on you tube) explains about an article (from a person I can't remember) illustrating how apps on Mac hardware were not opening or were crashing because of a apple server outage. Normally The apps call the server if you're online and your usage getts logged, and everything just works but with the server issue things went pear shaped and apps that people had purchased couldn't be used. Now You could've turned the internet off on your machine or set little snitch to block that traffic thus keeping you online for everything else and use your paid for apps.

Now this topic is called "
Please tell me your convenient life hacks in using a MacBook"

All due respect just because you couldn't or didn't know how to use it doesn't mean it's not useful life hack for others. Objective development have been around a long time and their snitches are very popular with a lot of windows users wanting the same functionality.

I've said all I have to say in this topic. Good luck to everyone in these strange times.

Now everything sounds even more confusing to the average user :D
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Spotlight is the most obvious one. Use it all the time.

Another I tend to use:
Open finder. Drag the ‘Applications’ folder from the left down on to the dock next to the downloads folder. Then, right click it, choose ‘view contents as list’ and ‘display as folder’.

Now you have a quick start menu replacement.
Spotlight is the most obvious one. Use it all the time.

Another I tend to use:
Open finder. Drag the ‘Applications’ folder from the left down on to the dock next to the downloads folder. Then, right click it, choose ‘view contents as list’ and ‘display as folder’.

Now you have a quick start menu replacement.
Doesn't right clicking on Launchpad achieve the same result?
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