Child-free by choice: The birth rate crisis gripping the West
With increasing numbers of women rejecting motherhood, governments are left scrambling to try and encourage a baby boom
Turn off the pc or TV and get jiggy the nation expects.
It a mixture of can’t afford them, properly to expensive, time to look after them.Keep the PC on and watch jiggy on that.
Explain welcoming? Do you expect like someone inviting you in? Flowers? Dinner before the deed?Looking forward to all the big-brains, who've spent years demonising people for having too many kids, pivot to demonising them for having too few.
If you want people to have kids, make it affordable, make it welcoming, offer supportive structures, and recognise it as a worthy pursuit.
Britain, as a country, ******* hates kids. Just an awful attitude towards young people. You don't see it elsewhere.Explain welcoming? Do you expect like someone inviting you in? Flowers? Dinner before the deed?
It a mixture of can’t afford them, properly to expensive, time to look after them.
Britain, as a country, ******* hates kids. Just an awful attitude towards young people. You don't see it elsewhere.
That's certainly the pro-petro-chem line.World is over-populated and not sustainable. The economy might need more kids, but the planet needs less if it is to survive in any way to support human life well into the future
Explain welcoming? Do you expect like someone inviting you in? Flowers? Dinner before the deed?
Jiggy puzzles are a good alternative to the PC or TV...Turn off the pc or TV and get jiggy the nation expects.