M900 Tiny - with a Skylake Pentium G4500T - 16GB DDR4 RAM, 512Gb NVME and a 500gb SATA 2.5" SSD.
Currently runs several VMs including:- pihole, a dedicated vm for docker (which currently includes LanCache, and YCast), as well as whatever I may be testing e.g. TVheadend, newer versions of Emby etc.
There's various different models, but they are pretty much all similar - the M900 I got because it was very cheap at the time (think I paid something like £40 from ebay). I've plenty of experience with these "micro" PCs, as we've used 100's of HP Minis at work (800 G1/G2/G3, and 705 G4/5's)
Personally as long as it takes DDR4 then there isn't much in it - the older Haswell/DDR3 models are a bit more limited CPU wise (and most were limited to 35w CPU parts e.g. 2 core/4 thread i5's).
Picked up 4x Tiny 10400T think it was m902 or 920 from memory but I may be wrong. First one cast 265, the next 3 259.
extremely happy with them and most of content is on gcloud.