Plusnet Discussion Thread

Hi guys,

Lost count of the amount of times I've tried explaining how traffic management will work on the new Unlimited product this weekend ;)

The comments on the ISPr article here are probably a good place to start.

Best regards,

It's important to understand that terms such as "traffic management" and "traffic shaping" don't just mean rate limiting. In the old days, rate limiting was the only traffic shaping available but as network devices get faster and more sophisticated, other techniques can be used.

With rate limiting there is an artificial pause between each packet as it passed through a router or switch. In this case however, data such as VoIP packets will be placed in front of "normal" data streams. All of the data will go through the network at maximum speed, but isochronous data will be processed first.
Plusnet Unlimited for ADSL/ADSL2+/FTTC is a step forward ahead and sound very promise but what happen if there is 80% customers average of 150GB usage allowance per month while the rest of bad boys 20% did over 2TB a month - will Plusnet give out a warning letter to bad boys to cut down usage allowance or will be suspension ?

It's important to understand that terms such as "traffic management" and "traffic shaping" don't just mean rate limiting. In the old days, rate limiting was the only traffic shaping available but as network devices get faster and more sophisticated, other techniques can be used.

With rate limiting there is an artificial pause between each packet as it passed through a router or switch. In this case however, data such as VoIP packets will be placed in front of "normal" data streams. All of the data will go through the network at maximum speed, but isochronous data will be processed first.

I don't want my ISP interfering with my traffic. They even charge £5 to disable the prioritisation!
Plusnet Unlimited for ADSL/ADSL2+/FTTC is a step forward ahead and sound very promise but what happen if there is 80% customers average of 150GB usage allowance per month while the rest of bad boys 20% did over 2TB a month - will Plusnet give out a warning letter to bad boys to cut down usage allowance or will be suspension ?

No warning letters, no suspension. We’re a *long* way off 80% of customers downloading ~150GB/mnth though. The average across our network is ~18GB. In a month you’d be able to manage a *lot* more than 2TB with 76Mbps throughput ;-)

I don't want my ISP interfering with my traffic. They even charge £5 to disable the prioritisation!
So if you were using 100% of your bandwidth downloading over peer-to-peer and you went to stream a video over iPlayer, you'd want it not to work? That's exactly what would happen without prioritisation. With prioritisation, the video would be allowed to take priority over the torrent traffic.

The £5 Pro add-on is pretty pointless on the new Unlimited product TBH. When signing up for the product when it’s available people will notice we’ve actually removed the option from the signup journey (although it is still available on request).

I have personally been testing the profile for the new Unlimited product over recent months and not once have I noticed any slow down affecting any of my traffic unless the connection’s been at 100% utilisation or there's been some external factor at play.

Best regards,
I've been with Plusnet for many years now and only recently moved over to an unlimited deal (sadly not on Fibre). Nothing changed except that my usage is now unlimited (throttling is still very apparent).

I wonder if I can get the new prices
I will be ordering this later (Unlimited Fibre for 19.99). Presently I have Value fibre with the Pro Add on, but from what i understand the Pro Add on is not needed for unlimited if you play games.
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