Just sickening, I'm lost for words with how the police failed to protect these girls, even with the evidence they have, wtf is wrong with our police forces and other departments of government that are ment to safeguard children.
So is it laziness, risk of offending the offender's, plain incompetence or is it that they just don't care.
It's so sad to think this could happen in this country and wtf is the governments strategy to deal with this crap.
Just sickening, I'm lost for words with how the police failed to protect these girls, even with the evidence they have, wtf is wrong with our police forces and other departments of government that are ment to safeguard children.
So is it laziness, risk of offending the offender's, plain incompetence or is it that they just don't care.
It's so sad to think this could happen in this country and wtf is the governments strategy to deal with this crap.