Is it lawful to work for that long without a break?
IIRC unfortunately for individuals, but very fortunately for the forces the police are exempt from a lot of regulations in regards to working hours.
Is it lawful to work for that long without a break?
I'm a chef and sometimes i do 14 hours with no break or food. In working temperatures of around 45-50 degrees. I do however get to drink water when i need to.
Having a Professional Standards investigation for not following a lawful order will be stressful even if you do get everything dropped.
Grown up men afraid to go to the loo, well they deserve poo in their pants the poor exhausted darlings.
Having a Professional Standards investigation for not following a lawful order will be stressful even if you do get everything dropped.
A lot of bitterness and hostility here from some posters.
I was working the games and can confirm the hours we were required to work were horiffic. In a period of 25 days I had 3 days off. Was held on duty at most of my Commonwealth deployments by at least 2 hours, usually more and required to work some bizzare hours. 0310 and 0410 hours starts. There were or should have been plenty of resources available to relieve folk on perimeter patrols however as per usual senior management made an arse of it and the cops bore the brunt of it. As for folk soiling thereselves I heard the stories. The hired security manning some of the gates would refuse entry just to be awkward at times resulting in long walks to get into the relief areas.
Can't say I'd let myself get to the point of soling myself, I'd be going to the toilet regardless of what I was told. For probationers and people not long in the job standing up to senior management can be quite intimidating so can imagine some cops letting it get to that stage. More fool them though.