Police Speed Guns - How long before the ticket?

I think it's usually 90mph that gets you a ticket on a motorway. 100mph is a ban.

There does seem to be a lot of silly speed limits now, especially in the countryside. They will randomly lower the speed on a clear stretch of road then stick a camera on it, usually obscured behind a bend or something. They claim it's to stop speeding bikers, but bikes don't have a front plate so I don't see how. Obvious money making scheme :/
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Awaiting one myself at the moment, doing what I suspect is 83-84 actual speed on the A3. No defence of course, that's the risk you take, but I've never been busted for speeding before because I (honestly) rarely bother these days. Date of offence was Tuesday 1st, so it was 2 weeks yesterday. They only have to have posted the NIP within 14 days so there's still a chance I'll get done for it but we'll see.

In a 70 zone, the actual cutoff for getting a NIP according to ACPO guidelines (which not all forces adhere to) is 79mph and over. 96mph and over is a court summons so 100+ doesn't necessarily mean an automatic ban, but it's still a situation you don't want to be in :D
Awaiting one myself at the moment, doing what I suspect is 83-84 actual speed on the A3. No defence of course, that's the risk you take, but I've never been busted for speeding before because I (honestly) rarely bother these days. Date of offence was Tuesday 1st, so it was 2 weeks yesterday. They only have to have posted the NIP within 14 days so there's still a chance I'll get done for it but we'll see.

In a 70 zone, the actual cutoff for getting a NIP according to ACPO guidelines (which not all forces adhere to) is 79mph and over. 96mph and over is a court summons so 100+ doesn't necessarily mean an automatic ban, but it's still a situation you don't want to be in :D

What do you think you've been caught by?

Frankly with the way technology has moved, i would like to see GPS accurate speedo's on cars. That way you know exactly what speed you're doing, and there's not really any contesting it if you get caught going over - none of this 10% +2.
What do you think you've been caught by?

Frankly with the way technology has moved, i would like to see GPS accurate speedo's on cars. That way you know exactly what speed you're doing, and there's not really any contesting it if you get caught going over - none of this 10% +2.
I can't see how gps only speedos would work. it takes time for the gps to aquire, so would be left in the dark for the first minute or so, which isn't the end of the world. But, how about in a long tunnel? something like Mont Blanc where there's both a min and max speed limit, but obviously no gps signal as it's 11km long... So, as soon as you consider it needing to work without gps then you need to have a safety factor for tolerances and different tyre diameters (due to different sized alloys/tyres and inflation pressures) and you're back to the speedo needing to be reading higher than real-world by a safety factor, lets say up to 10% ;) Not to mention that with a physical needle sitting a small distance from the gauge, by moving your head around it can slightly read a different value, so 1 person could read 1mph different from the next due to seating/eye position (obviously moot with a digital display).

Saying all this, I seem to remember reading my BMW can be coded to set what % higher than gps speed my speedo will read, so I guess it calibrates itself from time to time and does effectively what you're suggesting, but with a default 3% high reading.
What about motorway is it 100+ for prosecution and points for anything between ?
It always annoys me on an empty motorway when 70 feels like your crawling there should be some leeway there I think
I dont know, the Jazz isn't safe at 100 mph :eek::eek::D
it's only safe up to about 80mph, i've never been done for speeding on a motorway

I think it's usually 90mph that gets you a ticket on a motorway. 100mph is a ban.

There does seem to be a lot of silly speed limits now, especially in the countryside. They will randomly lower the speed on a clear stretch of road then stick a camera on it, usually obscured behind a bend or something. They claim it's to stop speeding bikers, but bikes don't have a front plate so I don't see how. Obvious money making scheme :/

EXACTLY...............it usually goes 40mph...............then a sudden 30 zone and a laser van around the next bend, never speed in the countryside if you see a village sign for one mile away and then a sudden 30 zone as you get close to the village..............NEVER :eek:

all speed cameras are on my Garmin Sat Nav, it's excellent for that, as are the speed limits etc, it bleeps me like crazy............but laser vans aren't :eek:

What do you think you've been caught by?

Frankly with the way technology has moved, i would like to see GPS accurate speedo's on cars. That way you know exactly what speed you're doing, and there's not really any contesting it if you get caught going over - none of this 10% +2.

yes exactly............but the speedo also needs to warn you when you exceed the speed limit..............but this brilliant, yet highly annoying bleep sound, needs to be able to be turned off when you're not in the mood for it.
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I passed a van on a bridge this morning on the A46 Warwick bypass, 70mph limit and I was probably doing just under 80, I spotted the van very early and lifted/braked and was down to 70 within a couple of seconds. I had come around a left turn and was overtaking so I'm not sure if I was in range or not. Mines a company car so it will go to fleet first, only time will tell.
What do you think you've been caught by?

Was a camera van for me. Definitely had hatch open etc. There was a car in front of me though but I have no idea - still no letter in the post today and it's been 16 days now but there's still time. I deserve whatever I get if anything does show up, regardless :D

I passed a van on a bridge this morning on the A46 Warwick bypass, 70mph limit and I was probably doing just under 80, I spotted the van very early and lifted/braked and was down to 70 within a couple of seconds. I had come around a left turn and was overtaking so I'm not sure if I was in range or not. Mines a company car so it will go to fleet first, only time will tell.

If you saw the van, they almost certainly would've already clocked your speed. However if your speedo was just under 80 I wouldn't worry about it. I'm regularly on the A46 and have seen the camera van on a bridge a few times. One time I thought I was pushing it quite close but nothing ever came of it so I'm confident that Warwickshire Police do go on ACPO guidelines. On my car, the speedo saying bang on 80 is actually 75-76 on GPS. If I am ever in the mood to give it a bit extra without wanting any real risk I just make sure my needle is always just under the 80 marker as that should theoretically mean I'm always within tolerance. Has worked out well for me so far.

These days (with the exception of my incident 16 days ago) I do just stick to 75 indicated because I can't be bothered anymore :)
Bad July, August for me. 33 and 34 in a 30, one ticket they took 2 readings, 43 and 44 in a 40 again two readings both in Bradford, been driving 12+ years first time ever been caught, I tend to stick to 30 or follow traffic speed.

Both camera vans and 100% my fault, not justifying or giving any excused.

First letter 8 days, offered a course.
Second letter 13 days, points and a fine.

No I am very cautious, really sticking to the limit or below, the amount of idiots I get right behind me is questioning should I speed back up :(

Can you upload a photo of the two tickets, seems unusual for it to be that low, I've never heard of anyone actually getting done for 44 in a 40.


It has very regularly been claimed in the internet but it ALWAYS ends up with the person never uploading any proof. I am absolutely happy to be proved wrong.
I passed a van on a bridge this morning on the A46 Warwick bypass, 70mph limit and I was probably doing just under 80, I spotted the van very early and lifted/braked and was down to 70 within a couple of seconds. I had come around a left turn and was overtaking so I'm not sure if I was in range or not. Mines a company car so it will go to fleet first, only time will tell.

it's a bummer when that happens, it just depends if he was distracted doing something else, because if he wasn't he would have clocked you instantly.... they usually target you before you can see them............ i really hate those van :mad:...............you now have to wait 2 weeks !!!!

i've had it, if i get caught once more before Xmas i'm banned, so what i will do is use my Garmin Sat Nav every time i leave Hampshire to view cars... but at the moment i'm ok because i'm just driving locally...........at Xmas 3 points come off my licence ;)
I don't think it's instant. It takes a few seconds to get a proper reading I think and it doesn't always work first time. As it's either a radar or laser you can get lucky and there be no surface to bounce the signal back first try.

What you want to do is wrap the front of the car in a matt, light absorbing material and remove any rounded surfaces, or completely flat surfaces facing forward :D
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Well it's now been 19 days since my incident and I haven't heard anything so it looks like I might be alright. There was a car in front of me though going even faster so did I just get lucky, or can these camera vans only nab one person at a time?
Well it's now been 19 days since my incident and I haven't heard anything so it looks like I might be alright. There was a car in front of me though going even faster so did I just get lucky, or can these camera vans only nab one person at a time?

This, they are targeted, requiring the operator to aim and take a reading through the viewfinder, so one at a time.
It's the village Hitlers I have an issue with who frequent local villages in their bright green jackets and point and gesticulate at you because you have a loud car that though doing the speed limit, lower often, they KNOW you will go quickly when they are not there and should be pointed and wag fingered at. Stop, launch control engaged, 0-30 1 and a bit seconds and v's flicked. It's that 4K blarrrrrbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb noise it makes beforehand that gets them to full fever pitch. :D
It's the village Hitlers I have an issue with who frequent local villages in their bright green jackets and point and gesticulate at you because you have a loud car that though doing the speed limit, lower often, they KNOW you will go quickly when they are not there and should be pointed and wag fingered at. Stop, launch control engaged, 0-30 1 and a bit seconds and v's flicked. It's that 4K blarrrrrbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb noise it makes beforehand that gets them to full fever pitch. :D

that lot would freak out big time if they went to Palermo on holiday, man the driving is bad :eek:
this country is very safe in comparison, unfortunately we live in a Nanny State and it's gone too far.............with everything not just driving !
78/79 on the speedo probably means you're really doing under 75, so you're probably/possibly fine - not to mention there's no guarantee they were scanning you with the speed gun.

As to your question, I think they have to inform you within 2 weeks that you've been done - either stating the points/fine/result there and then, or that you'll be contacted later with that info (I think this us up to 6 months and only if you've been even naughtier and have a courts summons). So, if your work doesn't hear anything in 2 weeks (plus a couple days for postage delays) then you're laughing, but I dont know how you can ask work this, without it making it sound like you've been ragging their car - guess it's down to how well you get on with whoever would receive such forms...

Oh and mine is a company car, the letters went to me directly which is strange as parking tickets go to my company. I can't explain that one.

Fyi it's 2 weeks to notify the registered keeper, not the driver, so you might not know about it for a while, but your employer will.

For what it's worth, at that speed there's a 99% chance they won't bother doing anything and you'll have gotten away with it.

Just to clear this up a bit.

As @Voxination said, it's 2 weeks to inform the RK. The process on a company car is slightly different.

The 14 day period is in place for personal car users because after 14 days is reasonable for the RK to not know who was driving at that time, for a business they are required to know by law and therefore does not apply.

So as far as I'm aware if you're in a company car and you have a letter hit you, you're screwed.

@pokerking Your employer will have received a request to disclose the driver at that time, they then hand over your details and you get the letter. We have it quite often and it's a bit of a crap one as you can't avoid them even after the 14 day period.
Another "Speeding" thread. The difference is that I know it was my fault, I am just interested in knowing how long I have before I can breathe a sigh of relief and also how likely it is that I will get fined/ticketed?

I was driving down a dual carriage way, overtaking some cars, the speedometer showing 78/79mph (dial below 80) when I saw police women/men with a speedgun pointing at me on a narrow bridge above. I couldn't safely slow down so I carried on. No police car followed me and this would be my first offense.

It is a company car (black ford focus), so the company would be informed, but as I was not going that fast the worst I believe will happen is 3 points and a fine, though obviously I'd rather it did not.

It is totally my fault, I should have been going 70mph I know, but what can I expect? I know my speedometer is a little inaccurate so I was likely going around 73/74mph, would they bother following me up on that?

Pointing a gun at you means nothing. They need to follow you and get you there and then.
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