Police Speed Guns - How long before the ticket?

that lot would freak out big time if they went to Palermo on holiday, man the driving is bad :eek:
this country is very safe in comparison, unfortunately we live in a Nanny State and it's gone too far.............with everything not just driving !

Yep, we do :/

We seem to have laws to protect the stupid for when they do stupid things. Like run out in to the road without looking. So none of us are allowed to have any real fun (legally).
Yep, we do :/

We seem to have laws to protect the stupid for when they do stupid things. Like run out in to the road without looking. So none of us are allowed to have any real fun (legally).

yea but kids will always run out into the road without looking................so the slower you drive in built up areas the more likely they are to survive,
drive fast right out in the countryside only............but even that isn't 100% safe from a laser van, so it might be best to drive say 4 miles slowly, to check out the road first and then turn around and race back, but the fear of getting nicked will always be there.

you can still drive quick around here, but you're limited to bursts of speed only or going out after 7pm
yea but kids will always run out into the road without looking................so the slower you drive in built up areas the more likely they are to survive,
drive fast right out in the countryside only............but even that isn't 100% safe from a laser van, so it might be best to drive say 4 miles slowly, to check out the road first and then turn around and race back, but the fear of getting nicked will always be there.

you can still drive quick around here, but you're limited to bursts of speed only or going out after 7pm

I never stepped out in to the road without looking as a kid, as far back as I can remember. It was probably one of the first things I was taught.
Then they need to be taught how to cross the roads as it never used to be a problem. Only the recent batch of spongs are oblivious to the danger as they have not been taught how to cross the road.

Kids can’t be trusted to cross the road without risking death until they’re 14, say scientists
Researchers who got youngsters to cross a busy street in a virtual reality lab discovered that even aged 12 they were run over two per cent of the time.

Six-year-olds were so poor at gauging gaps in 25mph traffic they were hit one in 12 times.
The risk decreased the older a child got — but it was not until age 14 that they always crossed safely.

And as child-pedestrian road deaths have decreased year-on year since at least 2000, it's not really a 'recent' issue.
kids cant judge speed or distance, that part of the brain hasn't developed yet, plus they're easily distracted and over excitable

the only reason deaths have decreased is because of speed cameras and speed restrictions in built up areas..obviously
But they can see if a car is coming or not. If a kid likes to run out in the road then obviously the parents have not explained the dangers or kept them under control.
Hello I was wondering if any of you guys know much about the flash speed cameras on the m25. There was 50pm sign come up and I didn’t notice it change to 40 went passed a camera it didn’t flash straight away but I was doing 52. It’s my first time if it was me that got flashed, do you get a warning for your first one or not. It was very late at night as well 23:40 and in just finished a 10 hour shift. Should I just wait 14 days and see what happens. Couldn’t tell if it was the car next to me or behind me. But seemed to late for it to be me. Dunno.
Hello I was wondering if any of you guys know much about the flash speed cameras on the m25. There was 50pm sign come up and I didn’t notice it change to 40 went passed a camera it didn’t flash straight away but I was doing 52. It’s my first time if it was me that got flashed, do you get a warning for your first one or not. It was very late at night as well 23:40 and in just finished a 10 hour shift. Should I just wait 14 days and see what happens. Couldn’t tell if it was the car next to me or behind me. But seemed to late for it to be me. Dunno.

Gantry flashes usually happen very quickly, if you were near the end of the markings then likely someone else.

Also welcome to the forum... lol.
Gantry flashes usually happen very quickly, if you were near the end of the markings then likely someone else.

Also welcome to the forum... lol.
If it changed to 40 as you passed it you'll be fine...there's a grace period between the speed limit changing and the enforcement as drivers travelling at motorway speeds cannot be expected to react to sudden changes in limit as they are approaching cameras.

If you have been caught the registered keeper should expect to receive the NIP within 14 days of the offence.
I think it's usually 90mph that gets you a ticket on a motorway. 100mph is a ban.

There does seem to be a lot of silly speed limits now, especially in the countryside. They will randomly lower the speed on a clear stretch of road then stick a camera on it, usually obscured behind a bend or something. They claim it's to stop speeding bikers, but bikes don't have a front plate so I don't see how. Obvious money making scheme :/

The local Council pays for the camera, but the fines go the the Treasury. And no, the Council does not get any of it back. I'm struggling to see this as a money-making scheme. If you bothered to ask, you'll find that cameras are usually put in after locals complain about speeding - especially in the entry to vlillages because lots of drivers think the 30mph sign means they should maybe think about slowing down in a minute or two. Everyone wants slow traffic in their village, but the right to speed through everyone else's.
Was it a genuine PC ? Plenty of stories doing the rounds lately with people wearing a hi viz and pointing things such as hair dryers at cars to try getting them to slow down.

Yeah there is some of those do gooders around us.

They show me their fake speed camera, and I show them how fast my motorcycle can go.

The local Council pays for the camera, but the fines go the the Treasury. And no, the Council does not get any of it back. I'm struggling to see this as a money-making scheme. If you bothered to ask, you'll find that cameras are usually put in after locals complain about speeding - especially in the entry to vlillages because lots of drivers think the 30mph sign means they should maybe think about slowing down in a minute or two. Everyone wants slow traffic in their village, but the right to speed through everyone else's.

Almost right. A portion of the fine is used for Police expenses and maintenance of the camera and the rest is returned to the Treasury. The amounts are there just to cover costs, so it isn't in the Council's or Police's interest to inflate the number processed.
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