Polishing exhaust

11 Apr 2004
Just a quick one please guys...

Managed to get hold of some poly exhaust hangers from a friend which means I can fit my new shiny 'zorst as soon as I can get under the car.

The exhaust tip is a little grubby, but as you'd expect I want it to gleam like it's never gleamed before :D

What can I use on it? I was thinking furniture polish (lol), but that might damage the finish.

Cheers guys.

3.5 inches here I come :o
Get some autoglym metal polish mate, or even better, let me bring mine up on saturday, and we will get it to shine then! (need to do mine).
Metal polish if the exahust is stained/discloured. Otherwise use a normal car polish. Or you could even try lemon juice.
Never cleaned an exhaust before mate but if i had to i would use Brasso.
I love this stuff for metal but not the liquid version. I like the one which comes in the tin with the wadding. Once you have done the wadding then a clean linen cloth will buff it right up and remove any residue.
Did I hear my name mentioned? :D

If you do a search, I seem to remember something like this being mentioned before. Brasso polish would do the job I think. Although El's Autoglym stuff should also take care of business...

Made my black exhaust come out brand new.
malc30, why didn't I think of that! We used to use that to clean the brass at the pub where I used to work, and it used to come up lovely. I'm sure we have some of that in the house somewhere.

El and merlin, cheers guys. Metal polish sounds good. I doubt I'll have time to clean it before then (inside the tip needs a good clean too) so if you could please bring yours up El, that would be great. I'll catch you on MSN tonight to sort something out :)

Fulcrum, doubt it mate. Anyway, what fun is it putting a dirty exhuast on a car? You want a spotless, shiny exhaust on a dirty car :cool:

thebrasso said:
Did I hear my name mentioned? :D

:D I was going to post something similar, but thought it was a little crude. /sniggers

Zip said:
Would Cilit bang do very much

It would probably go 'BANG' once the exhaust heats up! :p
Sure thing Andy, catch me on MSN and im sure we will have time to give it a polishing at the weekend.

/and before anyone starts, DON'T turn that into innuendo! :p
Autosol made my exhaust shine up as new when I tried it. I've heard its fairly abrasive though.

You can get it from Halfords etc.
Amazingly I was reccomended to use Mr Muscle Oven cleaner and my exhaust tips came up a treat. Just spray it on leave it for 20 minutes or so and it worked great. :p
if u have some already, use T cut, its a cutting paste which brings any metal up like new. i use it on alloy all the time.
Have you got some brake cleaner?

If so just spray some of that stuff onto a cloth and give it a good wipe over and then just use some polish.
Standard Metal Polish, or Chrome polish (if its a Chrome tail)...

Failing that (as no one else has suggested it) Mustard :D

Oooo and Piccies when its done!!...
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