Political Correctness gone mad...

SpeedFreak said:
there is also the assumption that your calf muscle is a dead weight. It is a key part in the generation of speed, which cannot be replaced with a piece of carbon.

but it can be replaced and at the current level of technology can probably work better for a one of purpose, unlike the normal leg which has to cope with many diffrent things. But you summed it up, it's not a level playing field and thus should be banned, which it is.
AcidHell2 said:
so how about a composite artificial leg? that is the right size, not something ins't just strapped on? The point stands.

The fact that it's strapped on isn't the major factor. It's much harder to get initial speed up with this sort of spring, also if you soften the spring you lower the top speed.

If spring could be regulated to perform very much like a human leg (with scientific trials to prove it) would you still be opposed?

burnsy2023 said:
The fact that it's strapped on isn't the major factor. It's much harder to get initial speed up with this sort of spring, also if you soften the spring you lower the top speed.

If spring could be regulated to perform very much like a human leg (with scientific trials to prove it) would you still be opposed?


But your still thing of normal springs, miracles can be done with modern composite materials.

yes, it's to open for abuse and how do you regulate it to a normal leg?
take an average of all the runners strength and base it on that, or base it on a lap time, in which case you could have a crap runner in the Olympics.

Why cant he compete in the paralympics and be happy he won there. Which takes the problem away.
The leg is the product of millenia of evolution. Although technology is advancing at a rapid rate, to believe that a piece of carbon allows you to reach a higher potential speed is a bit optomistic. If that was the case, a human leg would consist of bone and 4 oposing tendons to manipulate the feet.

I am not saying that he should or should not be allowed to race, more that it should be researched and considered.

Also, please try not to misinterpret my posts and then use this as a means of proving yourself correct. If that was the case, there would be height categories for the hight jump. In sport, there is no such things as a level playing field, that is the whole point of it.

What we are trying to determine is whether the artificial legs are making him faster than he woud be with natural legs. So far, you have not proven anything, while Burnsey has categorically said from his own experience that springs made him slower. While he is obviously a limited cross section, he appears to have more experience with them than you, hence making your conjecture pretty redundant until you prove otherwise.
SpeedFreak said:
The leg is the product of millenia of evolution. Although technology is advancing at a rapid rate, to believe that a piece of carbon allows you to reach a higher potential speed is a bit optomistic. If that was the case, a human leg would consist of bone and 4 oposing tendons to manipulate the feet.


but that's what your getting wrong, an artificial limb can be built specifically for a 100m race, the human leg, has to do rock climbing, repair itself, have toes ect. That's the downfall of human limbs, is they have to be so adaptable, the problem with science is not making better limbs that are better at a specific task, it's making a limb wich is good at everything.
AcidHell2 said:
but that's what your getting wrong, an artificial limb can be built specifically for a 100m race, the human leg, has to do rock climbing, repair itself, have toes ect. That's the downfall of human limbs, is they have to be so adaptable, the problem with science is not making better limbs that are better at a specific task, it's making a limb wich is good at everything.

I have not misunderstood what you are trying to say at all, what I am saying is that even though the leg is a jack of all trades, so to speak, at any specific task it is still better than anything manmade.
Also, you do seem to be forgetting that he is till running over a second slower than the world record. That's over 10 meters behind.
SpeedFreak said:
Also, you do seem to be forgetting that he is till running over a second slower than the world record. That's over 10 meters behind.

yes, but perhaps if he had legs he would be 2 seconds slower. How can you tell?

You can't, therefore he shouldn't be allowed to compete.
LeaguePosition14 said:
So 49 men have run under 10secs, none of whom were white.
Which begs the question, do black men have some genetic predisposition to sprinting that gives them an unfair advantage over white men?
AcidHell2 said:
there not made from flesh and bone. they have no feeling, they don't use oxygen up and they don't get cramp
And, as demonstrated in the video posted earlier, the lack of weight compared to normal human limbs allows them to reciprocate much faster, giving a further advantage in a sprint.
SpeedFreak said:
aren't tendons and ligaments effectively springs?
No, they don't stretch at all (well a negligable amount)
burnsy2023 said:
We don't know whether the legs are an advantage or disadvantage and making any assumption is silly.

Exactly. Advantage or not, it's significantly different from a real pair of legs. Therefore it doesn't make sense for him to be in the same competition.
Well, I guess this means able bodied people are allowed to enter the paraolympics as well then?

If so, then great but having springs for legs like go go gadget is hardly a fair playing field.

I say, "Sorry, you can't compete - it's just not on. Life is not fair, no - there's plenty of other things you can win at. Bye".
AcidHell2 can you see what we are up against these days. I cannot believe that people are actually saying that they would support a man wearing prosthetics that have been designed using computers to mimic the hind legs of a "Cheetah" hence the name "Cheetah Blades" to compete against people able bodied people who have to do with the legs they were born with.... the world has gone mad, honestly....

Vertigo question..

Do black men have some genetic predisposition to sprinting that gives them an unfair advantage over white men.

My Answer:

I think the answer is yes. Black people are genetically better equipped to sprint faster.

Unfair no, they have feet ankles calves and thighs. but way off point!!

Its ludicrous that this is even being considered.
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