Poll: Do you blip your throttle when downshifting?

I do have carbs but I was under the impression engine braking increased fuel consumption on any engine due to the increase in RPM?

I could well be wrong, mind.

I'm just working on the assumption that an injected engine doesn't inject anything if the throttle is off and the revs are above a bit more than idle - that's why my fuel thing reads a million mpg when throttle off in gear :)

The lack of fuel added at 0 throttle is certainly true for cars, I'm assuming it's true for injected bikes too...
I'm just working on the assumption that an injected engine doesn't inject anything if the throttle is off and the revs are above a bit more than idle - that's why my fuel thing reads a million mpg when throttle off in gear :)

The lack of fuel added at 0 throttle is certainly true for cars, I'm assuming it's true for injected bikes too...

Driving/motorcycle instructors teach that engine breaking increases fuel consumption.

That's what I'm basing my point on. You're probably right though, I don't have the knowledge to decide either way.
I'm still not sure what you mean by 'reduced' engine braking through rev matching. As opposed to what?

There's a fairly obvious difference between pootling around on the road, using as much anticipation and speed control as you like to sensibly manage your speed, vs tearing it round a track using your brakes to the max.

As opposed to having the back wheel jumping all over the place.... I'm talking about riding on the track mainly here, like you say there is a big difference to road riding.

You're coming into a tight corner... from a very fast speed:

No rev matching: brakes on, clutch in, knock it down cogs and release the clutch/brakes... engine braking happens if the speed was fast enough

Rev matching / blip'ing: brakes on, clutch in, knock it down cogs, blip throttle so revs shoot up, release clutch and as revs are already high not as much engine braking occurs, that is all I was referring too.

I have never ridden a big CC v-twin but like you say I imagine its a very different affair

no blip'ing with slipper clutch on track http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOax2ftgbNU
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You're coming into a tight corner... from a very fast speed:

No rev matching: brakes on, clutch in, knock it down cogs and release the clutch/brakes... engine braking happens if the speed was fast enough

That's an excellent way to get the rear wheel to lose traction and spit you off. I always blip the throttle to match engine speed and gear, be it car or bike. No good reason not to, plenty of good reasons to do so.

I do have carbs but I was under the impression engine braking increased fuel consumption on any engine due to the increase in RPM?

I could well be wrong, mind.

You are ;) Even on a carb'd bike the amount of fuel used on the overrun is very small.
Big difference between track riding and road riding though, most of my road riding although fairly quick doesn't involve really heavy braking, I just dont see the need most of the time.

To be honest, I cant remember the last time I was out on the road bike for the day let alone if I was 'blipping'
On the road definitely no, never ride anywhere near hard enough to warrant it.

On the track I generally don't but there are some corners where I could/should do it, the vfr400 has a sprag clutch I believe which isn't as good as a proper slipper clutch still means that for anything other than 2nd or 1st there's really no need to blip.
Um whenever you change down gear it's good to rev match for the next gear, you don't need to be full anchors ahoy for a tight hairpin to benefit from this. I'm doing it all the time just cruising in and out of London up to 30mph, why wouldn't you?
When i'm making "Steady progress", the answer would be yes :D
But never in villages or 30mph limits. A set of Termi's on a 1098's makes enough noise to wake the dead anyway, and sleepy villages on a sunday morning are not the best place to see how many dead can be awoken ;)
Only really started to do it when I had an SV1k. It was pretty mean on the downshifts unless I got practiced at blipping lol! I still do it now i've got a GSXR600. Im sure theres many positives to doing it such as engine longivity and the like but TBH I mainly do it now due to habit and the smile it puts on my face when I get it right! :)
Nothing like slamming down from 5th to 2nd in a short period of time whilst braking.

The blipping makes any grown motor man cream.

bermm BERMmmmm BEEERRRMMMMMMMM. Loverly jubbly.
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