Poll: How do you butter your toast?

I toast mine once and then let it cool so the water comes out of it and it goes crunchy. Then I toast it again for about 30 seconds so it is both hot and crunchy.

Twice cooked toast.
It depends what you are doing with the toast.
Just toast and butter, it has to be put on hot.

If you want peanut butter on top, then it has to be cold toast. Same with curds & chocoate spread.
Golden syrup, jams - hot toast
Between 1 and 2. So the butter partly melts but there is still crispyness........ it's a tightrope! From North Scotland

Sometimes... 2), generally if it's being served as a side breakfasty dish.

I've also been known to do 3) under the grill on occasion.
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