Poll: Poll please: Do you drive an auto or manual car?

What type of car do you drive?

  • Manual

    Votes: 324 89.0%
  • Automatic

    Votes: 40 11.0%

  • Total voters
Auto for me. I'm a lazy driver at heart.

Couple the auto with my disctroinc radar assisted cruise control and neither foot needs to do anything on motorway journeys these days.

While you may scoff at this, I'm sure we've all experienced the old "itchy right foot while driving". For me it is not a problem as I can scratch away to my heart's content as long as I keep my eyes on the road :D
mum drives an auto, I drive a manual but do drive hers somtimes, don't realy like it much but its not bad.
i drive a manual. ive driven automatics in the past & theyre good for when youre always stopping and starting in traffic... best invention for the lazy :p

Ill be sticking to manual for a while, although Auto does tempt me as I sit on the M3 every morning in a queue.
The cost of repair/replacing the box has always put me off Autos.
D4VE said:

Ill be sticking to manual for a while, although Auto does tempt me as I sit on the M3 every morning in a queue.
The cost of repair/replacing the box has always put me off Autos.

so so true :/
I can only echo the above really. For spirited drives on country roads and the like theres nothing like manual but for day to day driving id much prefer an auto. I've only driven my parents cars on carparks etc so only 1st to 2nd changes really but soo much easier/ relaxing than manual. I agree with the only certain cars comment- can you imagine a ka auto (dunno if they even do one) and equally a c220 manual...
dun said:
I can only echo the above really. For spirited drives on country roads and the like theres nothing like manual but for day to day driving id much prefer an auto. I've only driven my parents cars on carparks etc so only 1st to 2nd changes really but soo much easier/ relaxing than manual. I agree with the only certain cars comment- can you imagine a ka auto (dunno if they even do one) and equally a c220 manual...

c220 manual - would prefer one really, s500 manual - no way :p

you want something like a pug 106 auto 3 speed :p my mum had one and was 14.7 to 60, my 206 with the same engine and a manual box is 11.3, just shows how much power some (not all, i know some such as DSG and SMG are quicker) autoboxes waste. must be a pug thing as my grandmas 306 auto 1.8 is something daft like 14.2 to 60 :eek: must admit i would love to give an auto a go though
I'm driving an Auto Step at the moment and it suits the car perfectly ! - BMW 520i SE .. It's a luxo barge with all the driver aids and it's a nice lazy drive ;)

When I was looking for an FTO the majority were Auto Tip , I test drove a GPX but it was a bit " meh " .. IMO the auto box just didn't suit the car so I waited until I could find a manual

It all depends on the car really
Smiley Man said:
c220 manual - would prefer one really, s500 manual - no way :p


Ye but the 220 has got that triptronic *think its called* pretend manual stuff but there really is no point :p
Both, my rex is manual, the family chariot Estima is an auto. I usually dislike auto-boxes, but it suits the Estima perfectly.
last time I drove an auto, its was in a merc A class and had this rubbish auto box, but you had to change gear like a manual, but without depressing the clutch as it didnt have a clutch pedal :confused:

probably the worst car I have driven in my life!! Then I forgot about not having a clutch and did a double footed brake infront of uni.....was embarassing to say the least.
I think an auto would bore me to death. Part of the 'fun' gained from the driving experience is the ability to change gear, imo.
I can see why some people like automatics but I personally don't

I agree with Triad2000 - half the fun in driving is changing gear!

The vast majority of automatic gearboxes reduce the performance of your car and increase its emissions too

My previous car was a manual and my new car (when I buy it next week) will be a manual too
ajgoodfellow said:
The vast majority of automatic gearboxes reduce the performance of your car and increase its emissions too

Thats true sadly :( That is why an auto box needs a decent size/power engine. At the moment i have a 2.3t with 5 speed auto with sport and winter setting (can pull away in third if icy etc), before that a 200sx auto, before that a 535i auto.
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