Poll: Poll: Prime Minister Theresa May calls General Election on June 8th

Who will you vote for?

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  • Labour

  • Lib Dem

  • UKIP

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I don't understand how this woman still has a job.

:D :D :D

Well it appears the current labour party have never had to employ someone otherwise they would know what oncosts are. It is definitely not £0 for any sector, least of all the police who I would expect to have a fairly high addition costs for equipment and training on top of NIC and pension contributions.
Not sure whether to laugh or cry, how is she in charge of anything !?!

I heard that interview this morning. It really is quite astonishing that she is one of the prominent figures of the opposition. Completely clueless.

Indeed, the interview itself is cringeworthy.

She literally doesn't have a clue what she's talking about.

Just listened to that and oh dear, I haven't cringed so hard for a long time.


"That was not a car crash interview, it was several squadrons of 747's crashing into a huge truck park, filled with fully loaded car transporters, interview.

Goodbye Labour. RIP."
And Labour have the cheek to criticise the Tories having Boris Johnson as foreign secretary! Abbott is magnitudes worse.

Boris Johnson has said some absolutely howlers lately but he's much better at deflecting attention when someone presses him on an issue.

In terms of competence, I'd say that they're about on par.
Diane Abbott is the MP costing labour more votes than any other MP. She is scary.

Poorly briefed. She should have run her own version of 'strong and stable' instead of blanking, though. Regardless, the effect is the same. I expect the damage control will be worse still.

If PMQs had not made it abundantly clear, Corbyn's staff and comms are dire outside their bubble. It works in internal contests because everyone in the movement sort of think they think they know what the memes mean, and they normally mean whatever they obsess over the most.

However, not to be unkind, they tried some [list of Blairite techniques, after the 'movement' bit started flagging] polling, populism, triangulation, message 'control', leader's image projection, policy blitzes, relaunches and negative ads; but it remains amateurish, and isn't something you can learn on the spot anyway, having banished anyone and everyone who can do it well to the fringes, or just left without a desire to work for Corbyn's project. Hence you get Abbott, among other stalwarts, doing a thousand things and failing live because everyone is human in the end. Some still privately maintain that it's best to just throw this election - an even bigger gamble.

There's some agreement of what Ancient Labour is against; no agreement of how to beat it; little strategy to unify their policy proposals beyond keeping Corbyn in the job; a genuine disregard for power and its structures; little detail. The activists and surrogates involved will be left to fill in the blanks with whatever they feel Labour and Corbyn are about [anti-war; bash the rich; NHS - their last lines of defence, etc]. Yet what does their shared will communicate to the electorate? Anger and confusion. It won't work. For something more visceral, see the Arab Spring: revolt; elation; disaster; shambles to set it right; nobody had had a plan; the army and the power structures came back in. We're getting the softcore version of the same.

Whatever @Mr Jack thinks of the arithmetic of tactical voting and coalitions, it's about whom you're going to end up with at the top now: Corbyn or May. Put simply: will 30% of soft, materially comfortable and pro-EU Tories swing behind Jeremy and a broad anti-Tory alliance? No. Unlike the headline polling, Jezza's personal leadership ratings have hardly moved against May; they are even worse for the group he needs to win. For the same reason, the progressive coalition is more frayed. Albeit some local collaboration - out of sheer self-preservation and desperation - shall take place regardless of the wishes of the executive high command of all parties, and some people will vote against their self-interest on principle alone, but their numbers are few.
Playing devil's advocate here, but how many people open their doors knowing that there's a politician on the other side?

Still, nice to see her handing the leaflets back and swanning off in the Jaguar to another event attended only by invited party members.

If the door is in Scotland and it's a Tory politician on the other side, not many.
Playing devil's advocate here, but how many people open their doors knowing that there's a politician on the other side?

Still, nice to see her handing the leaflets back and swanning off in the Jaguar to another event attended only by invited party members.

They cannot workout that people are out working? Most people are not home until 5:30 - 6 depending how long they've to drive.
If the door is in Scotland and it's a Tory politician on the other side, not many.

Just say it's a clown from the kids' party next door. :p

So he ran a reasonably successful ship, depending on who you listen to. Whilst Abbott is incompetent according to all across the political spectrum. I'm not saying Johnson is amazing... just not on the same level as Abbott, as thankfully most of us aren't.
A Dunning–Kruger dervish of smiles, blather and cynical self-deprecation. It's an art, not a skill, and should not be regarded as such. He gets away with it, though. With fun punishment jobs to boot! Yet when measured against Abbott, I struggle only because Bo has held power, and is easier to evaluate, while Abbott protested with shoddier staff to back her. Amazingly, both got into and survived at Oxbridge! *loses monocle*
Good thing those front doors are strong and stable.

May I take your silence as unflinching support for a strong and stable hand in our upcoming negotiations with the EU?

She is a glaring example of what happens when you promote somebody purely to further your diversity image, with no regard for the fact they're a complete moron.

I disagree. In intellectual stakes on the left she beats Corbyn and McD hands down.
Nonsense, this kind of opportunity is the reason so many people keep weapons by the front door! :p

Lmao :D she's not made an appearance in my neighbourhood, so the bat with the nail in the end is yet to show it's value.

Just say it's a clown from the kids' party next door. :p

Good thing those front doors are strong and stable.

Lol nice guys. Think my afternoon is starting to go in that little bit quicker now :)
I'm voting labour just for the ***** and giggles that Diane Abbot will bring. I don't think I've heard anything as funny for months. She's a superb comedian.
I'm voting labour just for the ***** and giggles that Diane Abbot will bring. I don't think I've heard anything as funny for months. She's a superb comedian.
See, this is what I don't understand about people being slated for having "no experience" in politics.... This woman's had 30 years of practice and she's still completely ****.
I'm voting labour just for the ***** and giggles that Diane Abbot will bring. I don't think I've heard anything as funny for months. She's a superb comedian.

Be wary of doing this, she's a very dangerous woman to be in a position of power. Let's not forget she thinks that Chairman Mao, responsible for an estimated 40-70 million deaths, did "more good than harm".
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