Poll: Poll: Prime Minister Theresa May calls General Election on June 8th

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Thats true, but the question remains, should the railways receive state funding at all.

It is something we will probably disagree on, however, I think we would both agree that the current system whereby profits go to foreign companies and or foreigner governments is bad for the UK.
Interesting that the question of if rail should receive state funding is rearing its head, as if roads and infrastructure just magic themselves into being and\or if capitalism has great mechanisms to deal with either pollution or infrastructural requirements. Those that suggests it deals with everything seem like religious Zealot's to my mind...
Interesting that the question of if rail should receive state funding is rearing its head, as if roads and infrastructure just magic themselves into being and\or if capitalism has great mechanisms to deal with either pollution or infrastructural requirements. Those that suggests it deals with everything seem like religious Zealot's to my mind...

Motorists pay approx £35bn in taxes (ved, fuel taxes) each year.

The state spends approx 19bn a year on Transport.

Motorists don't just pay for the roads, but the rail subsidies and plenty more beside already.
Motorists pay approx £35bn in taxes (ved, fuel taxes) each year.

The state spends approx 19bn a year on Transport.

Motorists don't just pay for the roads, but the rail subsidies and plenty more beside already.

Im not sure why you posted that, it sure isn't proof that unregulated markets will provide in that department.
Couldn't help but giggle & cringe at the same time ;)

Motorists pay approx £35bn in taxes (ved, fuel taxes) each year.

The state spends approx 19bn a year on Transport.

Motorists don't just pay for the roads, but the rail subsidies and plenty more beside already.

Yet the roads around Southampton are becoming increasingly worse and even dangerous, just from a tarmac surface perspective, before we even talk about some of the other users.

On a road bike with narrow tyres of ~25-32mm wide, you typically need to focus on the tarmac you are about the ride over to avoid the potholes, rather than further down the road at what other users are doing.
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