Poll: Poll: Prime Minister Theresa May calls General Election on June 8th

Who will you vote for?

  • Conservatives

  • Labour

  • Lib Dem

  • UKIP

  • Other (please state)

  • I won't be voting

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Hardly a ringing endorsement by our dear Fuhrer there

I think May is trying to avoid being part of a PM/Chancellor duo and instead return the Chancellor to being an ordinary ministerial job that gets reshuffled rather than actually setting Hammond up for removal.
I'll only speak for myself but I actually voted against Brexit and continue to believe that leaving is a mistake. However, I believe that having democratically voted on the issue, the result should be respected. I was actually quite gratified to see that I'm far from alone in that in a recent poll. I think it speaks well of people's principles even though I'm sorry we lost.
It's all very well thinking we should go ahead on 'principle', but there's really no moral judgement that can that can be made from "well, that's what people wanted". There are plenty of bad or even terrible things that have happened with 'the will of the people'.

And, regardless, it's a fundamental misunderstanding of 'democracy' to to think that rule by referendum, or simply majority opinion, is itself a tenet of a democracy.
I voted remain but I now want us to leave, because actually leaving is going to demonstrate is very real terms what the benefits and downsides of EU membership are.

No-one will be able to lie about what will or won't happen. No-one will be able to blame anything on useless 'experts'. The facts will be right there on the table. Then we can have a rational public discussion about whether being a member of the EU is a good thing or not.
what about people who voted to leave but now want to remain?

And the 10% don't knows. It was a useless poll and the results and interpretations are flawed.

The data is here:

The question asks "what suits you best". Its not a brilliant question to be fair, but from the table I just quoted it looks like most of the leave to remain people are part of the "don't know" camp. Although previous polls have showed that very few people have changed their minds in that direction.
what about people who voted to leave but now want to remain?

I've not really seen anyone change their mind in any kind of significant numbers out of those I know day to day - those that wanted to remain still want to, those that wanted to leave still want to - the only ones that have kind of changed are those that either didn't care/indifferent/undecided who are now like can't we just get on and get it over and done with.
So I've heard a lot of people, including my own family., say they are outraged that halal meat is a thing and that its cruel to kill that way..... But not have a care in the world about fox hunting and happily let one get ripped apart alive by a pack of dogs.

Well then I'm happy to restore your faith in humanity. I and most of my circle of friends, despise both.
Woohoo, Monster Raving Loony Party are pitching a candidate in our area again. Closest thing we have to a local Indy candidate and it means I don't have to tick the box for Nadine when I can't stand her. Hopefully they can get close to the 5% needed to get their deposit back.
heres one thats making me shake my head and chuckle with labour at the mo, you have a bunch of mp's who have been part of the system for 20+ years crying that it doesn't work and its rigged, hmmm tell me again what you have been doing as part of this rigged and broken system again for the past 20 years then.
heres one thats making me shake my head and chuckle with labour at the mo, you have a bunch of mp's who have been part of the system for 20+ years crying that it doesn't work and its rigged, hmmm tell me again what you have been doing as part of this rigged and broken system again for the past 20 years then.

Where have they stated that it's been rigged for 20 years? It's my understanding that they are stating that the current system - the one overseen by the Tories for the past 7 years - is rigged. During that time they've been the opposition. I'm not sure what's funny about that, unless I'm missing something.
heres one thats making me shake my head and chuckle with labour at the mo, you have a bunch of mp's who have been part of the system for 20+ years crying that it doesn't work and its rigged, hmmm tell me again what you have been doing as part of this rigged and broken system again for the past 20 years then.
They tried to rig it to favour themselves but it backfired. Scottish and Welsh devolution and elected city mayors were all thought to be Labour power grabs since everyone in these areas always votes Labour right? Pity they didn't realise they'd become so unpopular that they'd lose grip on some of these places. Says how much they are in touch with the electorate :mad:
It's all very well thinking we should go ahead on 'principle', but there's really no moral judgement that can that can be made from "well, that's what people wanted". There are plenty of bad or even terrible things that have happened with 'the will of the people'.

There absolutely is a moral case. It is a simple one, too. The preservation of democracy is more important than temporary economic up or down. It's the fact that I do not have ultimate knowledge. I personally *think* that leaving is a mistake, but I should not impose my personal judgement on how every must abide. To do so would not be moral.

Imposing your will on others has consequences all of their own regardless of what it is you enforce. Hell, it might be a positive thing that people shouldn't drink alcohol but if the government prohibits it, there are consequences from that which have nothing to do with the state of your liver.

And, regardless, it's a fundamental misunderstanding of 'democracy' to to think that rule by referendum, or simply majority opinion, is itself a tenet of a democracy.

No it isn't. I was explaining why I felt morally obliged that we should leave. The right to self-determination is a fundamental belief to me and if the majority of the country wish to leave then I feel the correct and moral thing to do is to do so. I understand what representative democracy is, you know. I'm simply explaining that I feel if I respect the principles of democracy - government reflects the will of the people - then I must respect the choices made even where I do not agree with them. Accepting choices you do not agree with is, where they do not violate basic rights, a necessary part of democracy. Anything else is mob-rule at best.
Woohoo, Monster Raving Loony Party are pitching a candidate in our area again. Closest thing we have to a local Indy candidate and it means I don't have to tick the box for Nadine when I can't stand her. Hopefully they can get close to the 5% needed to get their deposit back.

Even better, they're putting up a candidate against Theresa May. Well, he says he'll stand if he's not on holiday. He's already been photographed in a pub with a pint in his hand. No bag of chips yet, but it's a start.

MRLP also complaining (with examples) of Labour and Tories stealing their policies. :D
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Taking it seriously then! :p

More serious than my current MP who thinks going off to the jungle for a month is in our best interest (It was, she was no longer representing us which was ideal), uses her parliamentary database of email addresses to promote her latest books (If you email her with a local concern, you're on the list to buy a book), claims more in expenses paying off her family than doing work herself and claims it doesn't take any time at all to write a book, all of her publishing payments are pre-paid and then the book magically appears!

At least our MRLP candidate has local council connections, happy to speak to anyone down the pub and isn't hiding 200 miles away writing books trying to be the next JK, she is "just a nurse from Liverpool".
I voted remain but I now want us to leave, because actually leaving is going to demonstrate is very real terms what the benefits and downsides of EU membership are.

No-one will be able to lie about what will or won't happen. No-one will be able to blame anything on useless 'experts'. The facts will be right there on the table. Then we can have a rational public discussion about whether being a member of the EU is a good thing or not.
The flaw with that argument is that if (when) it all goes pear-shaped, they'll find someone to blame that isn't themselves. It's what politicians do. They've started laying the groundwork already by talking about the EU putting in roadblocks to us leaving, or that we'll have to pay £100bn, etc. If we don't get a good deal their reasoning will be that the EU didn't want to give us a good deal.

What we must remember though -- and it's hard when you're only thinking about yourself -- is that the UK leaving the EU has ramifications for the other members. The EU's negotiators aren't going in with the mandate to get us the best deal, they're going in with the mandate to get them the best deal. If our obligations to the EU mean that we owe £100bn, then they're well within their rights to try to extract that from us. If any deal that we propose actively hurts other members (e.g. by giving us a deal that's more favourable than another member state may get) then they're well within their rights to rebuff it. Why should they be charitable when we certainly aren't being? If we end up getting a bad deal, then its no-one's fault but our own.
this was posted by somone on my FB today really explains the mindset of the "momentum" crowd


and the average earnings of the momentum crowd...

one of the comments

Who the **** earns over a 100k a year anyway in the reality of things. The people who can afford it. So what's the problem.

so much aspiration.

although somone amusingly pointed out that MP's earn just under 80k :p
Interesting that the Lab-Lib so-called progressive alliance is now leading the Conservatives by nearly 6% (44.1% vs 38.2% at the time of writing) on this forum. Corbyn is going to win this isn't he...
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