Given your history of being unable to create a valid argument and having to constantly resort to logical fallacies instead, your indignation is rather more amusing.
You obviously have not bothered to read some of my posts. Your history though has been a far right wing ideological stance and pathological hatred of anything owned by the State and any labour organisations such as the political party or unions.
[/quote]Care to engage with the actual argument and propose how you increase state income without a strong private sector economy?[/QUOTE]
Close the tax loopholes(Non doms, inter trust dealings etc, etc) and prosecute those people who have been identified by whistleblowers(as has been done by other countries but not the UK).
Stop fragmenting the NHS and thinking it should therefore be cheaper to run when all business sense tells the exact opposite. On this note in Scotland they have brought health and care closer together and seen a 9% reduction in bed blocking in areas.
Reform the charity laws so that they resemble what people think as charities as opposed to the vehicle for tax dodging and in the case of private schools to maintain a privileged elite.
Stop trying to pretend the UK is still a world power militarily and accept where they really are in the world and adjust defence spending accordingly.
Stop trying to maintain the illusion that you can continually cut taxes while still giving services which is the right wing agenda while actually decimating them.
Adjust the economy to a high value added economy rather than the sweatshop assembly one that both shades of Govt follow. It might actually use some of those surplus graduates we keep on producing.
Increase the minimum wage and enforce it. What we have is effectively a subsidy for companies. If a business cannot exist without paying proper wages then they do not have an effective business plan and should not be propped up(Thatcherite views on businesses not followed by present day Thatcherites)
Higher taxation on huge salaries to try to stop this ever accelerating wealth gap which if unchecked will lead to riots(what do the have nots got to lose)
Etc, etc, etc
There is more than the simple strong private sector argument. It involves how you collect tax and spend those receipts. The 'light touch' to tax policy has increased instability in this country.