Poll: Poll: What was your first Hard Drive Failure?

What was your first Hard Drive Failure?

  • Maxtor

    Votes: 212 38.4%
  • Seagate

    Votes: 55 10.0%
  • Hitachi

    Votes: 14 2.5%
  • IBM

    Votes: 127 23.0%
  • Western Digital

    Votes: 73 13.2%
  • Fujitsu-Siemens

    Votes: 22 4.0%
  • Samsung

    Votes: 24 4.3%
  • Other - Please state

    Votes: 25 4.5%

  • Total voters
Don't know if this has already been said by anyone, but poll results will be affected by the fact that some manufacturers on that list sell many more HDDs than others, so may have a similar failure rate but a higher score in the poll.
fish99 said:
Don't know if this has already been said by anyone, but poll results will be affected by the fact that some manufacturers on that list sell many more HDDs than others, so may have a similar failure rate but a higher score in the poll.
True... and also note how OLD some of the drives being mentioned are. But that poll is looking pretty accurate to someone like me who deals with many hard disks and many brands in my customer PCs. Maxtor well out in the lead, with Seagate and Hitachi a long way behind. ;)

IMHO - There is a slight bias in the IBM graph due to the one model of Deskstars failing dramatically. Also there are probally a lot of the duff Fujitsu's missing (the one with the dodgy controller chip from 2000/2001) because this company now does not make disks anymore.

There is also a bias caused by bad case design by many companies and system builders who don't allow enough airflow over a hard disk, therefore cooking it to death. :)

If this poll can make people steer clear of Maxtors and spend an extra few pennies on a Seagate... then it will of saved many gigs of data. ;)
MAllen said:
If this poll can make people steer clear of Maxtors... ;)
So so so true - Maxtor are the chavs of the HDD market (bet each platter has burberry 'tartan', their alternative to perpendicular storage) - AVOID...

ps3ud0 :cool:
Make: IBM
Model: Deskstar 60GXP (40GB?)
Dead on Arrival: No
Failure: That all too familiar clicking

Reason: It was a Deskstar 60GXP

I had several of these go in several different machines. I stopped buying them after that. The next most unreliable drives "back in the day" for me where Fujitsu and Seagate. The Seagates used to get very hot I remember. Never had any problems with Maxtor, and I've been through quite a few of those. In fact, I had a 5400rpm 20GB Maxtor that lasted like the energiser bunny. It was hardly a speed demon but never let me down.
Failure: God knows it just decided to die one day, got some horrible clicking and then it wouldn't post....

Mine was a maxtor 40Gb drive that went kaput (no suprises there :p) But it was a good job there was nothing important on there, only a few songs and programs :D
Im sick of hard drives failing now, you just cant rely on them.

Make: Maxtor
Failure: Data could be seen but not read

Which I put down to maxtors bad name and went with the supposedly far superior WD. However last week my 300gb Sata Caviar SE says
D:\ is not accessible
The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable.

Grrr :mad:
Make: Maxtor
Model: IDE ata133 40GB
Dead on Arrival: No.

Reason: Ran fine for a week, then simply failed, went back to base, got a fresh one, continued to work for about 3 years then the 2nd failed to.

EDIT: ooops copy and pasted from OP then edited.... :eek:
Last edited:
Make: Maxtor
Model: IDE 80GB
Dead on Arrival: No.

I had a Maxtor die on me a couple months back.. it just failed to boot (had used it extensively for around 3 years though!) and it would no longer read from the disk... (made the horrible clicking noise, so was a mechanical failure).

Make: Western Digital
Model: Raptor 74GB
Dead on Arrival: No.

Reason: PC started crashing intermittently. Eventually it failed to bootup. Was recognised in BIOS but couldn't even get it to FDisk

First and only drive I've ever had fail on me and I'd had several IBM Deathstars before that :eek:
I've had 2 Maxtors fail on me, losing close to 300GB of data between them I was so annoyed. I think the reason I've lost Maxtors as opposed to other disks is because most of the disks i've bought in the past have been Maxtor.

Needless to say I didn't buy an Maxtors after the two I lost :p
Make: Maxtor
Model: 160gb
Dead on Arrival: mechanical fault..

worked fine then black screened.. wouldnt boot but went throught post..
.. lost around 100g of data most unimpressed
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