No toilets outside the main bathroom
I find multiple toilets a bit pointless.
Agreed that in a family house with children it is handy, but modern houses are being built with one bathroom per bedroom plus a spare, so an average family house now has five bathrooms
That's a lot of cleaning for somebody and a lot of wasted floor space. Invariably there is then a lack of storage space, so you might not have to wait for a poo, but the house looks like a tip.
Something that really annoys is the bas*tardisation of exterior design. We know from the 70's that left to their own devices, architects have naff all ability to design homes people want to live in.
So now we have an abortion of period iconography all mixed into one house. Regency balcony railings tacked onto Georgian windows, add a Victorian bay window and a uPVC front door and maybe some rural beamwork just because Granny likes it.
Nothing has any elegance any more, and given that we inevitably fill such carbuncles with mock Victoriana and IKEA prints of trees and coastlines, then there is nobody left to notice.