lordrobs said:Searches thread for user name...
Bah humbug to the lot of ya
lordrobs said:Searches thread for user name...
Bah humbug to the lot of ya
Pudney@work said:Edit: Forgot El Razur, he amuses me no end!
ElRazur said:How do i do that?
Pudney@work said:Haha, I just like your attitude, plus you used to be a bit of a pariah on these forums (not so much now though). Also your posts are either interesting or just plain bizarre - basically, it's always fun to see what will come next
pa·ri·ah (pə-rī'ə)
1-A social outcast:
2-An Untouchable.
ElRazur said:Cool, that's the nicest thing i have heard someone say to me in here so far....
I feel like im reading a fan mail lol. I like the word pariah - i had to look it up as i thought you was calling me a Pirahnah
I like the word pariah and i love the definition....so true. Thanks.
Shouldn't have such a gay nameKell_ee001 said:I can never search for my name - so many people spell it different ways it's quicker for me to read the thread!
Gilly said:Shouldn't have such a gay name
Desmo said:I'm going to start hiding it in my posts just so you can search for it
Pudney@work said:Not a prob, pariah is a great word which is why I used it
Nowhere near as good as smorgasbord, I love that word.....
kitten_caboodle said:I love that word too, it always makes me laugh. (Kell_ee001) Same as straddle
lordrobs said:Searches thread for user name...
Bah humbug to the lot of ya
shifty_uk said:I've yet to find my username in this thread
BillytheImpaler said:....
It's a shame I can't afford to fly over to attend a meet. Perhaps someday when I'm out of school...